Thursday, September 22, 2005

On the Benefits of the Month of Ramadan

Reproduced from "JILA' AL-KHATIR - Purification of the Mind" by Shaikh 'Abd al-Qadir al-Gaylani. Based on the English translation of Shaikh Muhammad al Casnazani al-Husseini’s edition of the Arabic manuscript “Jila’ al-Khatir” (Ishtar Press, Baghdad, 1989) which contains discourses of the great Sufi Master Shaikh ‘Abd al-Qadir al-Gaylani.

(Reference Website:

On the Benefits of the Month of Ramadhan

O young man, the word Ramadhan [1] consists of five letters: ra’, meem, dhad, alif and noon. The ra’ is derived from rahma [mercy], the meem from mujazat [recompense], mahabba [love] and minna [favor], the dhad from dhaman lilthawab [assurance of reward], the alif from ulfa [affinity] and qurb [nearness] and the noon from nur [light] and nawal [the receiving (of grace)]. If you give this month its due and act properly during it, these things will come to you from the True One (‘Azza wa Jall). They will come to you in this world as strengthening and enlightening for your hearts, and as favor and receiving of grace, outwardly and inwardly. In the hereafter there will come to you what no eye has ever seen, no ear has ever heard and has never occurred to any human heart. Most of you are out of touch with Ramadhan. Respect for a command comes in proportion to the respect shown to the commander. As for anyone who is out of touch with Allah (‘Azza wa Jall), His Messenger, His Prophets and the righteous among servants (Salawat Allah wa salamuh ‘alayhim ajma‘een), how can he be in touch with this month? Most of you have seen their fathers, mothers and neighbors fast, so they joined them in fasting, as a matter of habit not worship. They think that fasting is merely abstaining from food and drink, so they do not fulfill its conditions and requirements.

O people, give up habitual practice and keep to worship. Fast for the sake of Allah (‘Azza wa Jall). Do not get bored of fasting and worshipping in this month. Do righteous deeds during it, and make sure that you act with sincerity. Make a regular practice of the prayers of taraweeh. [2] Illuminate the mosques, for this will be a light for you on the Day of Resurrection. If you obey and respect Allah (‘Azza wa Jall) in this month, it will be an intercessor on your behalf in the presence of your Lord (‘Azza wa Jall) on the Day of Resurrection. It will beg Him to grant you a share of His favor, His generosity, His blessings, His grace, His graciousness, His subtle kindness and His safekeeping.

Woe unto you! What benefit would you derive from fasting if you break it on unlawful food and sleep during these noble nights having committed acts of disobedience? You fast out of dissimulation and hypocrisy as long as you are among creatures, and once you are on your own you break your fast! Then you come out and say: “I am keeping the fast”, while throughout the day you are involved in verbal abuse, leveling defamatory accusations, swearing false oaths and taking people’s money by way of defrauding, trickery and exaction. This sort of behavior makes you no good at all and does not count as a fast. The Prophet (Salla Allah ta‘ala ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: “There are so many people who fast yet get nothing out of their fasting other than hunger and thirst and there are so many people who spend the night in worshipful acts yet earn nothing out of their worship other than fatigue and vigil”.

There are among you those who are Muslims outwardly but like idol worshippers inwardly. Woe unto you! Renew your Islam, your repentance, your apology and your sincerity in order that your Master (‘Azza wa Jall) will accept you and pardon your past sins. O you who are fasting, thank your Lord (‘Azza wa Jall) for preparing you for fasting and enabling you to keep it! When one of you fasts, let his ears, his sight, his hands, his legs, his limbs and organs and his heart all fast. Let all his outward and all his inward fast. When you fast, give up lying, giving false witness, backbiting, defaming people and embezzling their properties. In principle, you fast in order to purify yourselves of your sins and keep away from them, so what benefit could you derive from your fasting if you commit these sins yet again? Have you not heard the Prophet’s (Salla Allah ta‘ala ‘alayhi wa sallam) saying: “Fasting is a suit of armor [junna]”, for it protects and covers the person who wears it. This is why the shield is called mijanna, as it protects its owner and prevents the arrows from striking him, and the person who is out of his mind is called majnun, as his mind has been covered up. [3] The fast is a suit of armor for anyone who fasts with pious restraint, fear of Allah and sincerity, for in this case it will prevent the tribulations of this world and the hereafter from striking him.

O you who are fasting, comfort the poor and the needy with a share of your food at the time of breaking your fast for it increases your reward and it is a sign of acceptance of your fast at the time of breaking it! All this will disappear and nothing will remain other than that which you do in preparation for yourselves in the hereafter. Therefore, do such preparations as long as you are able to prepare. On the Day of Resurrection, you will be gathered hungry, thirsty, naked, afraid, ashamed and terrified. The person who feeds the poor and the needy in this world will be fed on that Day. The person who provides clothing for the poor and the needy in this world will be supplied with clothes on that Day. The person who is afraid and feels ashamed before the True One (‘Azza wa Jall) in this world will be made to feel safe on that Day. As for the person who is merciful to others in this world, Allah (‘Azza wa Jall) will be merciful to him on that Day.

In this month, there is a night that is the greatest night of the year, which is Laylat al-Qadr. [4]This night has signs that the righteous can recognize. Among the servants of Allah (‘Azza wa Jall) there are those who have the veil removed from their eyes so they see the lights of divinity that is held in the hands of the angels, the light of their faces, the light of the doors of heaven and the light of the countenance of the True One (‘Azza wa Jall), because on that Night He manifests Himself to the people of the earth.

O people, do not make obtaining your food your concern because it is a low concern. You have been put to test through eating and drinking, but you have been saved the trouble of securing sustenance, so do not have any concern about it. Glory be to the Self Sustained One who never eats, drinks or sleeps. Your greedy keenness has increased, while your pious restraint and faith have decreased. Woe unto you! This world lasts for only one hour, so spend it in obedience.


[1] As written in the Arabic script.
[2] The taraweeh prayers are special prayers that are performed in the month of Ramadhan.
[3] The Arabic words mijanna and majnun both share with junna the same root.
[4] Laylat al-Qadr (Night of Power) is the night on which the first verses of the Holy Qur’an were revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (Salla Allah ta‘ala ‘alayhi wa sallam).

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Muhammad in World Scriptures

(The following has been reproduced from “Muhammad in World Scriptures”, Chapter I, pages 1-26 by Hajee Mahboob Kassim, published by Chishtiya Publications in January 1990.)





The incidents that took place at the time of the creation of the first man are quoted here from pages 89 & 91, “Gospel of Barnabas” (See note on St. Barnabas at the end of this chapter).

“God gave His soul to men, while all the angels sang: ‘Blessed be Thy holy name O God our Lord’.

“Adam having sprung up upon his feet, saw in the air a writing that shone like the sun, which said: ‘There is only one God, and Muhammad is the messenger of God’. Whereupon Adam opened his mouth and said: ‘I thank thee, O Lord my God, that thou hast deigned to create me, but tell me, I pray Thee, what meaneth the message of these words: ‘Muhammad is the messenger of God’. Have there been other men before me?’

“Then said God: ‘Be thou welcome, O my servant Adam, I tell you that thou are the first man whom I have created. And he whom thou hast seen (mentioned) is (from) thy son (descendants), who shall come into the world many years hence, and shall be My messenger, for whom I have created all things, who shall give light to the world when he shall come; whose soul was set in a celestial splendour sixty thousand years before I made anything’.”

“Adam besought God, saying: ‘Lord grant me this writing upon the nails of the fingers of my hands’. Then God gave to first man upon his thumbs that writing: upon the thumbnail of the right hand it said: ‘There is only one God’ and upon the thumbnail of the left hand it said: ‘Muhammad is the messenger of God’. Then with fatherly affection the first man kissed those words, and rubbed his thumbnails on his eyes, and said: ‘Blessed be that day when thou shalt come to the world’.”


The above is the Hebrew Text of verse 16, of Chapter V of “The Song of Solomon” from Page 1159 of the Old Testament Hebrew text with English translation printed in 1950 in London for the British and Foreign Bible Society.

Hebrew Text Transliterated:

16. Hikor mumethakeem “wey Keheloo Mahammadeem”. Zey dodi wey Zey rayee beynoth Yerushalayeem.


16. “His mouth is most sweet: ‘And he is called Muhammad'. This is My beloved, and this is My friend, O daughters of Jerusalem”.


The “Puran” comprises of 18 volumes. They are the 3500 years old religious books of the Hindus. “Bhavishya” means foretelling of things that will happen in the future. Below is the Sanskrit text from Prati Sarg Parv 3, Kanda 3, Adhyaya 3, Slokas 5-8 of “Bhavishya Puran”, published by Venkateshwar Press, Bombay:


5) “A Malech (i.e. a person who does not know how to read or write) will become a great spiritual guide or acharya teaching the world what they did not know.

“Mahamad will be his blessed name. He will appear with his disciples (i.e. Ashab)”.

6) “Those who will accept this Maha Dev dweller of the desert (i.e. Arabia) will become pure (sins forgiven).

“Like those (Hindus whose sins are washed away) when they take a bath in the pure waters of the Ganga and the Pangaviya (the five rivers of Punjab).

“These pious will offer him their sincere devotion and show him all reverence”.

7) “Bhoj Raj will do Namaste (i.e. I pay my respects to you) O you, the pride of mankind, the dweller of the hills and sands (i.e. Mecca which comprises several hills and sands).

“You will collect a great force to destroy the evil (i.e. all the evil pagan habits of the people of Arabia) and you are protected from your enemies”.

8) “O you, the representative of the Almighty God will be the noblest person (amongst mankind), I (i.e. Maharishi Vyasa the writer of the Puran) offer myself as a slave to you (from now i.e. more than a thousand years before your birth), so take me as one lying at your feet (i.e. one who has wholeheartedly accepted your religion)”.

Actually at the time of Prophet Muhammad of Arabia, there was a king of Dhar, a town in the western part of Central India. His name happened to be Bhoj. When he saw from his palace that the full moon was split into two he raised an alarm. He feared the world was coming to an end. He found out from the Sanskrit Holy Books of India that this was the work of a very great personage whose name was Mahamad of the deserts of Arabia, who was the greatest messenger of God to come on this earth.

Raja Bhoj sent his gifts to the Holy Prophet Muhammad at Mecca and accepted Islam. Thus the foretellings made in the Bhavishya Puran over a thousand years earlier became absolutely true including the name of Raja Bhoj. The Shrine of this King who changed his name to Abdullah is still in existence outside Dhar town (Pages 10-17, Asrar-e-Tasaouf, published Lahore, May 1925 Edition).


Baba Guru Nanak the founder of the Sikh religion has preached:


“Pakh Padho Kalma Rab da Muhammad nal Milay.

“Ho Ya Mashuk-e-Khuda yeda ho ya Yallah” (page 14 Bhai Bhala’s Janam Sakhi).


“O Pious People: Recite the Kalma of the Creator adding to it the name of Muhammad.

“Who is the beloved of God by dedication of his very self to Allah”.


The following was revealed by a Jewish Scribe to Holy Jesus as recorded on Page 427 of “The Gospel of Barnabas”:

“The scribe then said: ‘Pardon me, O Master, for I have sinned’.”

“Said Jesus: ‘God pardon thee : for against Him hast thou sinned’.”

“Whereupon said the scribe: I have seen an old book written by the hand of Moses and Joshua, servants and prophets of God, which book is the true book of Moses. Therein is written that Ishmael is the (fore) father of the Massiah (Muhammad the Messenger of God), and Isaac is the (fore) father of (Jesus) the messenger (who will announce to the world the coming) of the Massiah, and thus saith the book, that Moses said: ‘Lord God of Israel. Mighty and Merciful, manifest to thy servant the splendour of Thy Glory’. Whereupon God showed him His messenger (Muhammad) in the arms of Ishmael, and Ishmael in the arms of Abraham. Nigh to Ishmael stood (his younger brother) Isaac, in whose arms was a child (i.e. Jesus), who with his finger pointed to the messenger of God saying:

“This is he for whom God hath created all things’.”

“Whereupon Moses cried out with joy: ‘O Ishmael, thou hast in thine arms all the world and paradise; be mindful of me, God’s servant, that I may find grace in god’s sight by means of thy son, for whom God hath made all’.”


“I (Jesus) have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.

“Howbeit when he, the Spirit of Truth, is come (after I have gone away), he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear (from God), that shall he speak (Quran) and he will shew you things to come” (St John 16 : 12-13).

“If ye love me, keep my commandments.

“And I will pray (to) the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter (i.e. not Jesus himself) that he (this Promised Comforter or Prophet of God) may abide with you for ever (i.e. Jesus and his teachings have not come to abide for ever on this earth but only for a temporary intermediary period between Jesus and the coming of the Comforter or Promised Prophet Muhammad):

“Even the Spirit of Truth whom the world cannot receive (now), because it seeketh him not (now), neither knoweth him: but ye know him (from the descriptions I have given of him)”:

“But the Comforter (i.e. Parakletos in Greek translated into Arabic it becomes Ahmad Rahmat-ul-lil-Aalamin), which is the Holy Ghost (Logos out of which God has created everything), whom the Father will send in my name (there are several chapters of the Quran devoted to Virgin Mary and Holy Jesus known as Surahs “Mariam”, “Al Maidah”, “Ta Ha” etc.), he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you” (St. John 14 : 15-17 & 26).


Jesus has disclosed the following facts regarding the Comforter Saviour in “The Gospel of Barnabas”

  1. The very first thing that God created was the Soul of Muhammad (Page 91).
  2. God kept the Soul of Muhammad for 60,000 years in Celestial Splendour before He created anything else (page 91).
  3. Everything that has been created is for the sake of Muhammad (pages 91, 225).
  4. His name will be Muhammad (pages 89, 91, 97, 105, 129, 225, 227, 319, 381 & 487).
  5. Whosoever will bless Muhammad will be blessed by God and whosoever will curse Muhammad will be accursed (page 227).
  6. All the earlier prophets from Adam till Jesus became prophets only because of Muhammad (page 105).
  7. The mission of Jesus was to inform the Jews as well as the world of the coming of Muhammad, the Messenger of God (page 167).
  8. Blessed is the time when Muhammad will come on earth (pages 91, 105).
  9. Idols all over the earth will fall down upon the birth of Muhammad and when lifted would speak like human beings announcing the birth of Muhammad the Messenger of God (page 169).
  10. Muhammad will come on earth as the Messenger of Salvation (page 227).
  11. There will be no more prophets born after Muhammad (page 225).
  12. Muhammad will be born South of the land of Israel (page 223).
  13. A white cloud would give shade over him whenever he would go under the open skies and that he would be recognized by this sign (page 167).
  14. Destroyer of idolatry and idols (pages 167, 223).
  15. Jesus informs that even though the heaven and the earth shall fail but the faith taught by Muhammad shall never fail (page 227).


Jamaseph the great astrologer of Persia had predicted 4000 years back about the birth of Prophet Muhammad in his works known as “Jamaseph Nama” or the records of Jamaseph (page 5, second part of Silver-Jubilee-1945/1970 issue of Jyotish Ghayan published in Calcutta 21-1-1972).


All religions have taught that Man would be resurrected from the dead on the Day of Judgement. Everyone would have to give an account of what he has done on earth. So it becomes very important to know what function the Comforter Saviour of the Universe is likely to play at this most important event in the lives of each one of us. It concerns each and every man, woman and child, irrespective of his caste, colour or creed.

Holy Jesus informs on pages 127 and 129 of “The Gospel of Barnabas”:

“When these signs be passed, there shall be darkness over the world for forty years. God alone being alive, to whom be honour and glory forever. When the forty years be passed, God shall give life to His Messenger, who shall rise again like the sun, but resplendent as a thousand suns. He shall sit, and shall not speak, for he shall be as it were besides himself. God shall rise again the four angels favoured of God, who shall seek the Messenger of God, and having found him, shall station themselves on the four sides of the place to keep watch upon him. Next shall God give life to all the angels, who shall come as bees circling round the Messenger of God. Next shall God give life to all His prophets, who, following Adam shall go every one to kiss the hand of the Messenger of God, committing themselves to his protection.

“Next shall God give life to all the elect, who shall cry out ‘O Muhammad, be mindful of us”:

“At whose cries pity shall awake in the Messenger of God, and he shall consider what he ought to do fearing for their salvation ………..”

Thus Holy Jesus has clarified that on the Day of Judgement all the prophets from Adam till himself would place themselves under the protection of Muhammad the Comforter-Saviour of the Universe, who would plead for the safety of the followers of the earlier prophets from Adam to Jesus and also for mankind at large. This concerns each and every man, woman and child.


Saint Barnabas was a Levite Jew from Cyprus. His name was Joses. Barnabas was not his name nor was it his family title. He met Holy Jesus, son of Virgin Mary (Peace of God be upon them). He was so much influenced by Jesus that he sold all his properties. He donated the entire proceeds for the propagation of the teachings of Jesus (Acts 4 : 36-37). He became a very ardent follower of Jesus. Under the personal dictations of Jesus he recorded the “Evangel of Jesus” in Hebrew Language, the mother-tongue of Jesus. “Evangel” means “good news” for mankind. According to the declaration made at the beginning of this Evangel, these dictations of Jesus were written down in the presence of Jesus, before he was lifted alive from earthly life (Acts 1 : 9-11).

This Gospel according to the Priest George Sale contains a complete history of Jesus Christ from his birth to his ascension; and most of the circumstances of the four real gospels are to be found therein (page XIII of Notes to the Readers by George Sale in his translation of “The Koran” published by Frederick Warne and Co. London and New York in 1891. This is a reproduction of “The Koran” by George Sale which was originally published in November 1734 in a quarto Volume, and was inscribed to Lord Carteret).

Joses for his devotion was given in Hebrew the title of “Bar Nabuha” by Jesus. “Bar” means “Son of” whilst “Nabuha” means “of the Nabi i.e. Prophet”. This title of “Barnabuha” means “Son of Prophet”. This title was given by all the Jewish Prophets to their religious heirs or successors. For example the Barnabuha of Moses was Joshua, of Samuel was David, of David was Solomon, of Elijah was Elisha, of Elisha was Jehu, of Zakariah was his son John, of John the Baptist was Jesus when he was anointed Jesus. Hence the title of Barnabuha or in Greek form Barnabas means that the Levite Jew Joses was made the Barnabuha or the spiritual heir of Holy Jesus. Thus by this appointment it was the duty of St. Barnabas to carry on the real teachings of Jesus after he was lifted to heaven.

The followers of Jesus split into two groups. The Jewish Group claimed:

“And certain men which came down from Judaea taught the brethren and said ‘Except ye be circumcised (as Jesus was when he was 8 days old – St. Luke 2 : 21-24) after the manner of Moses, ye can not be saved’” (Acts 15 : 1).

“… Preaching the word to none but unto the Jews only” (Acts 11 : 19). Pointing out that Jesus himself had ordered his disciples to preach only to the circumcised Jews and not to the uncircumcised Gentiles as follows:

“These twelve Jesus sent forth, and commanded them, saying: Go not into the way of the Gentiles and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not:

“But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel” (St. Matthew – 10 : 5 & 6).

“And the contention was so sharp between them, that they departed asunder one from the other and so Barnabas took Mark, and sailed unto Cyprus.

“And Paul chose Silas, and departed, being recommended by the brethren unto the Grace of God” (Acts 15 : 39 & 40).

St. Barnabas left for Cyprus where he preached. He was buried in Cyprus. In 382 A.D. during an excavation in Cyprus, the grave of St. Barnabas got opened.

A copy of a Gospel of Jesus written in Hebrew in the personal handwriting of St. Barnabas was found lying upon his chest. The said Gospel was intact. As if it had just been placed inside the grave. So also was the body of St. Barnabas. Both of these are no doubt miracles. Otherwise both the Gospel and the body of St. Barnabas could not have remained intact for over 350 years in the damp hot Mediterranean climate.

It is an Eastern Custom to bury one’s most important treasure in one’s grave. The very fact that this Hebrew Gospel was found lying intact after more than 350 years on the chest of St. Barnabas clearly proves that this treasured Hebrew Gospel in the mother-tongue of Jesus recorded before he was lifted to heaven, was not only the original teachings of Jesus but it was also the dictations of Jesus recorded during his presence in his mother-tongue as stated in the opening verses of this Gospel. Otherwise why should it be placed upon the chest of St. Barnabas in his grave?

“Red Letter Holidays” are special Holy days for the observation of the feasts of important saints. Special services are set apart for them in the Book of Common Prayers. One of these important saints happens to be St. Barnabas. His feast is observed on 11th June. It is a Red Letter Day in the British Calendar.

Barnabas has been cited by Clement Alexandrinus, Origen, Epusebius, Jerome and many of the Ancient Fathers. Cotelerius affirms that Origen and Jerome also regarded it as authentic and canonical, Dr. Barnard Savilian professor at Oxford not only believed it to be genuine but also that it was read throughout in the Churches at Alexandria as the canonical scriptures uptil the early part of the fourth century (i.e. uptil the Nicaean Council of 325 A.D.).

This Hebrew Gospel in the handwriting of Barnabas has been lying since its rediscovery in the Pope’s Private Library at The Vatican in Rome.

The Hebrews have always regarded any book of the Old Testament not originally written in Hebrew as Apocryphal. Unfortunately all the available handwritten Hebrew Gospels of Jesus were burnt in 325 A.D. by the Roman Emperor Saint Constantine at the Nicaean Council after being seize from Arius, a priest of Alexandria, who taught on the basis of the Original Hebrew Gospels of Jesus that Jesus was not co-eternal with God but was created by Him and therefore was inferior to God.

Constantine ordered the new Greek Bibles of the New Testament be written in the language of his choice i.e. Greek. So it replaced those bibles that were in Hebrew, the mother-tongue of Jesus and which were burnt at the Nicaean Council. In the Greek New Testament, Emperor Constantine introduced the Greek letter “X” pronounced “Chi” from which the word Christ has been derived with the date of Christmas, the sign of the Cross, Crucifixion, the fixation and the first observation of Easter, the only begotten son of God and Sun God’s day i.e. Sunday be observed as the Sabbath. Constantine ordered these for the sake of uniformity to make this religion similar to the Pagan Roman faith which originated from Babylon and was then known as Mitraism.

The Italian monk Fra Marino was a very close friend of Pope Sixtius V (1585-1590 A.D.). He was very anxious to read the Gospel of Barnabas, which was one of the Hebrew Original Gospels of Jesus, which were known to have escaped the burning of 325 A.D. being rediscovered from the grave of St. Barnabas in 382 A.D. So it was put on the list of Apocryphal Gospels. Pope Sixtius V gave special permission to Monk Fra Marino to study the Hebrew Gospel of Barnabas in the Pope’s Private Library at the Vatican. Monk Fra Marino made a translation of the Gospel of Barnabas from the Hebrew Original into Italian, his mother-tongue. This Original Italian in the handwriting style prevalent at the end of the sixteenth century in Italy, in paper manufactured in that period with Italian watermark is now lying in the Imperial Library at Vienna. It has notes in the margin in Arabic. This shows that Monk Fra Marino also knew Arabic. Arabic was the general international language of the time.

This copy of the Gospel of Barnabas was translated from the Italian text in the Imperial Library, Vienna by Lonsdale and Laura Ragg and published by Clarendon Press of Oxford University in 1907 A.D. One copy of the Italian text-cum-English translation of this Gospel with the Arabic notations has been traced in the British Museum, London, from where a photo-copy has been obtained by me. The other printed copies of this edition have disappeared from the market. Apparently some organization has purchased from the market all the printed copies of the Gospel and destroyed them. That is why not a single copy is available anywhere except in some prominent Libraries. It is clear that somebody is trying to hide the contents of the Gospel of Barnabas or the real teachings of Jesus from the Christian World.

(Note: The entire translation of the above text in Urdu is available in the same book, “Muhammad in World Scriptures” by Hajee Mahboob Kassim.)