When God decided to create Adam, He made him in His infinite wisdom with those faculties which are present even today in each human baby viz :
a) In a condition in which he would not be able to fend for himself. As such the "Garden of Eden" had to be provided for his survival with all kinds of ripe and ready fruits and vegetables for his food.
"And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed : to you it shall be for meat" [35].
b) With a blank mind which has to be taught.
c) With qualities which would be much inferior to even animals at the time of creation. Then he would be given the freedom to develop himself to whatever extent he may desire. Thereby raising himself into the highest of all creation. The Quran confirms :
"Surely We (Allah) created Man with the best potentials !
"Then we reduced him (at the time of his birth) to the lowest of the low (i.e. as a helpless baby without any means to fend for itself and with a blank human brain).
"Now it is for those who believe and do good works (to learn and acquire knowledge and acheive perfection to any limit they like) and theirs is an unfailing reward (for whatsoever efforts they put in).
"Is not Allah the most conclusive in His Judgement (of what faculties and abilities, he should give to which of His creations)?" [36].
God has given one soul to each of His creations, e.g. :
To the angels and other spirits such as Genii, Fairies etc. Allah has blessed them with the "Immortal Soul" known in Arabic as "Nafs Lawwama" or the soul which draws them towards their Creator, purity and goodness. As a result spirits do not get any benefit or pleasure by committing any sins. Nor do they have any desire to commit any sins. Rather their souls cause in the spirits an abhorrance against sins. So it is really difficult for them to commit any sins !
To animals God has bestowed the Animal Spirit or mortal Soul. This soul will die with the death of the body. This Soul is called “Nafs Ammara" in Arabic. It draws its possessor towards materialism. Hence its possessor commits sins and bloodshed for material gains or sexual pleasures, lust and worldly power.
Man assumed the responsibility for the guidance of the universe. This comprised of both the spiritual as well as animal forces. So it became necessary for Man to be blessed with such abilities that he could serve as a guide for both. God has disclosed in the Quran [37] that for anyone to be able to act as a guide he should appear before his audience as an equal, even through he might belong to a higher category of creation. This is essential to avoid giving an inferiority complex to those, who are to be guided.
4) MAN
Therefore Adam had to be blessed with two Souls because of the responsibilities that Allah was going to place upon mankind— the control and education of the universe through the teachings that the "Being of Light" would spread when he would come on earth.
a) The Spiritual Soul was required to educate to the Spiritual forces throughout the entire universe including Angels.
b) The Animal Soul being necessary to train and control animals and bring them to man's service and benefit.
Thus it will be seen that the children of Adam are the only creation on earth who are blessed with both the spiritual forces i. e. the mortal and immortal souls. Such double force has not been blessed even upon angels who are among the highest creation. This has been confirmed repeatedly in the Quran. One example is quoted here :
"Verily We (Allah) have honoured the children of Adam. We (Allah) carry them over the land and the sea, and have made provision of good things for them and have preferred them above many of those whom We (Allah) have created with a marked preference" [38].
When the "Tasvir" or statue of man made out of clay was ready, God asked the mortal Soul to enter it. Upon entering the Tasvir of Adam, the Soul found it to be a very dark hollow space. Feeling very stifled it came out and petitioned to the Creator:
"Oh Lord, it is very dark inside. How can I survive in such a dismal prison".
God smiled. It was His plan in His infinite wisdom that such a petition be made. Because He wanted to prove the superiority of man not only over animals but also above the spiritual forces including angels. This could only be achieved if Man could be given such knowledge which was unknown even to the angels and other spirits.
God ordered that "Nur-e-Mohammadi" or the "Being of Light" be brought and placed in the forehead of Adam. This provided Man with the Immortal Soul. After that He ordered the mortal soul to re-enter the body of Adam.
The Soul of Adam when it again entered the "Tasvir" or Body was surprised to find this new home not only well lighted but also a very pleasant place to stay in due to the Immortal Soul which was the blessing of the Being of Light. So much so that not only then, but even now after 6000 years the human soul does not want to come out of the body at the time of a man's death. Indeed what a fantastic influence ! This is one of the incredible gifts to mankind from the Being of Light.
"And he taught Adam (by placing Nur-e-Mohammadi in the forehead of Adam. The Being of Light already knew from much before) all the names (of Allah as it was the first thing that Allah created out of Himself and through which Allah had created the entire Universe), then (when He had breathed His spirit, i.e. Nur-e-Mohammadi into Adam) He (Allah) showed him (Adam) to the spiritual dwellers of the universe asking : Inform Me of (My) names, if ye are truthful" [39].
When the Creator asked as to what were His names, all the angels and other spirits held a consultation amongst themselves. Some of the Angels were even 20 billion years old. After pooling all their knowledge and experience together they came to the following conclusions :
a. The Creator of the entire Universe is only a one.
b. The name He has taught us in this long period of time is "Allah".
c. Since the Creator is only a one so His name also has to be only one and that is Allah.
After consultation the spiritual forces gave their answer.
"They replied : Be glorified: We have no knowledge save that which Thou hast taught us (i.e. Your name is only one and that is Allah). Lo ! Thou, only art the Knower, the Wise".
"He (Allah) asked : O Adam ! Inform them (My) names (immediately Adam recited the 101 glorious names of Allah to be found in the Quran). And when he had informed them the names (of Allah, all dwellers of Heaven stood dumbfounded at the love and knowledge of Allah and His Divine Attributes as expressed through the means of Nur-e-Mohammadi by Adam, who had been created only a few minutes earlier). He (Allah) said : Did I not tell you that I know the secrets of the heavens and the earth ? And I know that which ye disclose and that which ye hide" [40].
Allah's will is law. He has not to justify His actions to anyone. Because there is none who can question His actions [41].
But Allah nevertheless wanted to demonstrate to all the dwellers of heaven—the spiritual world—that even though they were created billions of years before Adam yet all their vast experience and combined knowledge was far less than the light of wisdom displayed by Adam just when he was only a few minutes old ! Indeed what a fantastic contrast to prove Man's superiority over Angels etc ! This wonderful incident does bring out how very much superior is the 'Being of Light’ as compared to all other creations in the universe.
Allah thus established the superiority of Man over all the spiritual forces. He laid down the law on how one should honour his superiors and his tutors. Accordingly He ordered the spiritual world to pay their respect and honour to the Being of Light or Nur-e-Mohammadi in the forehead of Adam as follows :
"And then We (Allah) ordered the dwellers of Heaven : Prostrate yourselves (the Arabic word "Sajada" means to salute, to pay respect and honour by prostrating [42]. It however does not in this context by any stretch of the imagination mean to worship Adam as a God) before (the Nur-e-Mohammadi in the forehead of) Adam (who and whose children i.e. the various prophets and saints will be the Khalifas or Viceroys of God). They all (including angels, Jinns i.e. genies and fairies and all other types of spiritual dwellers of the Universe) fell prostrate (before Adam in an act of paying respect and honour to him for having taught them the 101 wonderous names of the Creator), save Iblis" [43].
Iblis is not an angel. He is a Jinn i. e. a Genie [44]. He was made of "Fire" [45].
Fire has the following inherent properties :
1) To burn and destroy any thing it comes in contact with which has materialism in it.
2) As such Iblis cannot have any materialism in him. So he does not have any desire to snatch away for himself the wealth or the property or the children or the wife or other worldly possessions of somebody else ! Because such materialistic things are of no value or utility to him. That being the case he has no need nor a desire to commit any crime or theft or rape or bloodshed or murder.
3) Flames are with all fires. Flames will never proceed downward. Light a match and you will get the proof. The flames will always shoot upwards If anything catches fire the flames keep on rising until the fire has burnt and destroyed whatever material thing it has got hold of.
4) Whatever is burnt by fire gets destroyed. It cannot be restored to its original form out of its ashes. So fire is a destroyer of material things.
Angels are one of the numerous spiritual forces in the universe. They are made out of "Nur" or light, which is a very pure thing. Angels are therefore by their very nature obedient to Allah. That is what they have been created for. They are absolutely content and happy with any position or duties that the Creator has alloted to them. As such their nature does not permit then to have any competition or desire to become the greatest angel. They are a happy obedient lot. Contented with whatever duties or positions are alloted to them. It is not in their nature to and compete and rise over others.
Before the advent of Man the various types of spirits used to to mingle with one another. There was no restrictions upon their meetings. Because uptil that time none of them had been condemned into a "Satan" and outcasted from the societies of spirits.
This situation enabled Iblis to carry out all the orders given by God to the angels. Since Iblis was made of fire, he always had the inborn desire to climb higher and higher until he reached the highest position to become even the leader of the angels. That was his goal. These are the basic differences between angels and Jinns.
With this object of becoming the greatest worshipper, Iblish prayed continuously for 700,000 years on this planet. So much so that there was not an inch of ground on earth where he had not prayed. Seeing the manner in which Iblis was praying continuousty day and night, the angels petitioned God to permit Iblis to enter into the first heaven. Here also he prayed for 700,000 years in all parts of this heaven. It was here that he got the title of "Abid" [46].
Thereafter the angels again and again petitioned God and got him the permission to enter serially :
1) The second heaven. After another 700,000 years of prayers he got the title of "Zahid".
2) The third heaven. After another 700,000 years of prayers he got the title of "Awwab".
3) The fourth heaven. After another 700,000 years of prayers he got the title of "Saleh".
4) The fifth heaven. After another 700,000 years of prayers he got the title of "Khashae".
5) The sixth heaven. After another 700,000 years of prayers he got the title of "Shakir".
6) The seventh heaven. After another 700,000 years of he got the title "Mati".
7) The garden of Heaven where the throne of Allah is situated. Here also he prayed for 700,00 years and got the title of "Izazil".
8) Finally under the throne of God for 700,000 years.
9) When Iblis had completed 7 millions of years of prayers, the Angels petitioned God that the treasuries of the Heavens be placed in his charge. Accordingly Allah allowed Iblis to take charge of the treasuries of Heaven.
10) Thus Iblis by his continuous prayers rose to the position of a virtual king of the spiritual forces in the universe [46].
11) His teachings were so popular that uncountable numbers of angels used to attend his lectures delivered from under the Throne of God [47].
12) When Iblis was at the height of his glory and power then Allah offered to make anyone His Khalifa (Viceroy) who agreed to take on the responsibity of running the universe according to His laws. All the angels declined out of fear of assuming such a great responsibility. As read earlier Iblis also declined after consulting with the other spiritual forces.
"Lauhae Mahfooz" is the "The Preserved Tablet" in Heaven. On it all the decrees of God are recorded. Shortly before the creation of Adam a group of angels read on "Lauhae Mahfooz" the following warning :
"A great worshipper of God would soon be cast out of heaven in disgrace for his disobedience and would be declared Satan".
The angels became very much upset. Iblis enquired what was the matter. They appealed to him as their elected leader to pray for the safety of the angels from this decree. Accordingly Iblis wholeheartedly prayed for the safety of the Angels from this decree. This prayer of Iblis was accepted by Allah. But Iblis, who was a Jinn, did not pray for his own safety ! God made him to forget.
Thereafter Iblis continued to send curses upon Satan in all his prayers little realising that he would be the one to disobey the orders of God and eventually be convicted as Satan and cast out of the heavens in disgrace from his exalted position of the virtual ruler of the universe [47]. Iblis could not imagine this.
Iblis was never given the sight of Allah or His beauties inspite of all the exalted position and the respect he commanded amongst the angels. This makes it clear that Allah did not accept Iblis but merely tolerated him as per the petition of the Angels, whose feelings God did not want to hurt without disclosing a justified cause.
Allah does not want to punish anybody. Because He is after all the Creator of all. He is the Most Beneficient and the Ever Merciful. He is the Oft-Forgiving. So He affords each and every opportunity to all to repent and withdraw from acts of disobedience and sin.
In accordance with this standard policy, the Creator repeatedly asked Iblis to obey His Order to bow before "Nur-e-Mohammadi or the "Being of Light" in the forehead of Adam and thereby obtain His forgiveness.
The Holy Quran has brought this out beautifully :
"He (Allah) asked : O Iblis ! What is preventing you from (obeying My Order and) falling prostrate before that (Adam) whom I have created with both My Hands (i.e. with two spiritual forces) ? [48]
Iblis replied : O Lord ! Have I not prayed to you with all my heart and all my soul for the past 7 millon years ? Have you not honoured me by making me the Treasurer of the Universe ?
Allah replied : You have indeed prayed for 7 million years. But it was with the sole object that you wanted to become the greatest worshipper as per your nature of "Fire" to climb higher and higher ! Your prayers were not out of love for Me. If you love Me then prove it by obeying My Order and prostrate yourself before Adam in whom I have placed My Spirit i.e. Logos or the Word of God or Nur-e-Mohammadi or the Being of Light [49].
Thus God proved to the universe that Iblis was not His lover. That his million years of worship were with the sole object of becoming the greatest worshipper and to gain honour and respect. When God made Iblis the Treasurer of the Heavens upon the request of the Angels, he already received in full the reward for his worship ! When thus cornered Iblis realised that his first opportunity to get forgiveness had failed. So in his second chance he contended : Is not my worship of You for the past 7 million years enough to get me atleast to Heaven and gain your forgiveness for any mistakes or disobediences I may commit ?
God replied : If I had not given you this long life and also the sustenance to keep you alive for this long period and also the strength and good health and peace of mind so that you may be able to pray for this long period then surely you would not have been able to pray to me for such a long period. If I am to take into account and deduct from your prayers for what I have provided you with to enable you to pray than you will be left with nothing to show as to how you carried on with your prayers. Then God quoted :
"If Allah took the created beings to task by that which they deserve, He would not leave a single living creature on the surface of the earth" [50].
Iblis in his third opportunity to obtain forgiveness argued : O Lord ! Man will have a very small life as compared to my long 7 million years of prayers to You. If You bless man with heaven, then You Who is "All Justice" will also have to reward me with not only Heaven but also with a higher position in heaven than that given to man.
This reply of Iblis has been given in the Quran as :
“He (Iblis) said : Am I not better then him (Adam, because I have done 7 million years of adoration of You. In any case my life is much longer than man's life. So l am able to do incomparably greater service of adoration of You than he) " [51].
Allah replied : What the few minutes old Adam through the knowledge of Nur-e-Mohammadi had recited and taught to all the spiritual forces of the universe viz: the wonderful 101 beautiful Names of Allah which even the angels did not know and you also inspite of your 7 million years did not know what Adam knew upon his birth through Nur-e-Mohammadi. So is not Man a much superior creation than all the spiritual forces put together ? Please note that this adoration of Adam of Me in that one incident is far superior to all your 7 million years of adoration. Adam has taught you that which you did not know. So Adam is entitled to your respect as your teacher ! I Allah hereby gives you the fourth opportunity to save yourself. So even now prostrate yourself out of respect before Adam, which tantamounted to bowing before Nur-e-Mohammadi or the Being of Light.
When thus cornered Iblis retorted : O Lord ! Man is going to do mischief on earth and will cause bloodshed whilst we, the spiritual forces, hymn Thy praise and sanctify Thee.
Allah replied : It is very true that man will do mischief and cause bloodshed on earth due to "Nafs Ammara" or the body which I have given to him and which consists of over 99% of him whilst the “Immortal Soul" is less than even 1 % but he who amongst mankind will be able to control 99% of himself i.e. worldly desires and overcome his passions and act upon the dictates of the Immortal Soul will certainly have achieved such a success as is incomparable to any achievements which can be attained by the spiritual forces including angels. If you had been given "Nafs Ammara" or the animal spirit, you would not have been able to do the adoration about which you are now boasting. Man is the only creation which has two souls or forces in him so he is a superior being to you, who has only the Immortal soul i e. Nafs Lawwama. This is the fifth time I am giving you the opportunity to save yourself. Now will you not obey Me and fall down prostrate before Adam ?
Finding himself cornered by God and already four opportunities lost and no more excuses left Iblis gave his final reply :
"I have not done Sajda (Prostration) to anybody but You"
"I will not do Sajda (Prostration) to anybody but You"
"Oh Lord ! Sajda 'Prostration) can be done only to God"
' I cannot do Sajda to Adam as he is not God"
"Oh Lord ! a very big mistake have You made"
"In ordering that Sajda to Adam be made".
Then Iblis turned around to all the spiritual forces including angels and taunted and made fun of them them by saying :
"Shame ! Shame ! all of you have done Sajda to somebody i.e Adam, who is not God".
"Shame ! Shame ! You all have committed the sin of 'Shirk’ i.e. Polytheism".
"I am the only single sinless soul amongst all the spiritual forces in the whole of the universe".
Naturally Allah could not permit such a rebellious mockery of His command to do Sajda to Adam being declared a wrong and sinful act and the taunt on those who obeyed His injunction being called sinners. The Quran informs :
"Have you (Iblis) become so very proud (because of your continuous adoration of Me, which had earned for you the leadership amongst the spiritual beings in the Universe) or are you (thinking yourself to have reached that stage) of the high exalted (through your prayers to Me that you think you can advise Me that it is not right for Me to demand of all creation to honour My beloved Nur-e-Mohammadi by requesting them to pay respects and salute by doing Sajda i.e. bowing their heads before Adam)" ? [53].
"Iblis retorted : Shall I fall prostrate before (and adore as a God) that which Thou hast created of (dirty, black, altered potter's) clay (or Thee, the Creator of the entire Universe Who is the only one entitled to be worshipped and honoured, which is correct and better Oh ! My Lord)" ? [54].
"He (Allah) said (If you refuse to pay respects to my beloved Nur-e-Mohammadi and salute him by bowing your head as ordered and you want deliberately to confuse it with the Divine Adoration due only to Me) Then go down hence ! It is not for thee to show pride here (and advise Me on what I, your Lord should do and what is right or wrong in My order to prostrate before My beloved Nur-e-Mohammadi in the forehead of Adam for the purpose of honouring and paying respects and saluting him whom I as Allah want to be honoured), go, get out ! Lo ! thou art of those degraded" [55].
From this incident it will be clear that even seven million years of adoration of God by Iblis could not save him, who had been the virtual king of the heavens, from being condemned and outcasted because he showed disrespect to the Being of Light or Nur-e-Mohammadi in the forehead of Adam.
About 800 years after the creation of Adam two angels named Horus (in Arabic : Harut) and Marduk or Merodach (in Arabic : Marut) approached the Almighty and placed before Him their complaint :
"O God ! see how wicked the people of the earth have become in such a short period yet you have made them the Viceroy over all your creations whilst we the Angels only hymn Thy Praise day and night" [52].
"If we are sent on earth we shall be able to prove that we are superior to mankind".
These angels were amongst the cleverest of the heavenly host. They were very confident that they would easily be able to bring the wicked people on earth to the right path. They repeatedly pleaded with the Creator that they be given a chance to prove their superiority over man. God replied : He would be very satisfied if they would be able to save themselves from the temptations for evil even if they could not bring the people on earth to the righteous path. They assured repeatedly that they would never adopt the evil ways of man. The Lord warned them again pointing out that "Nafs Ammara" or the physical body of man that they were being granted would constitute over 99% of themselves and that their immortal soul which now constituted 100% of their body would be reduced to less than even one percent so as to be at par with man. As such they had to be very careful as all the time they would have to face temptations from the 99% of themselves to do all kinds of evils but they must avoid all temptations. Otherwise they would be most severely punished.
Especially as they had knowledge of the rewards in heaven about which the general mass of men were unaware. Further they had studied "Lauhae Mahfooz" i.e the preserved tablet containing records of not only all the laws of God for the Universe but also all kinds of knowledge and how it could be converted scientifically into unimaginable powers. These angels faithfully promised that they would abstain from evil even when their physical bodies would constitute 99% of themselves and as such could have an overwhelming power over their souls.
Thereupon Horus and Marduk were given human bodies, faces and features. When they landed on earth they were naturally considered intelligent human beings from outerspace. This fact naturally gave rise to the surmise that there are many intelligent superior beings in outerspace with an ability to visit the earth whenever they liked !
Dr. Eric Von Daniken has shown in his research "The Day the Gods Arrived" published in German in May 1984 that these extraterrestial intelligent beings arrived from far beyond our Galaxy onto the earth on 11th August 3114 B.C. In a press conference at Calcutta on 4th July 1984 Dr. Daniken stated that he had calculated this date on the basis of the traditional calendar of the Maya tribes of Central America which has recorded the date of the last arrival of superhuman beings from outerspace on earth.
These two extra terrestrial beings set up two separate camps to compete with each other to show who could achieve better results. One of them was with the human civilisation in the Egypt-Mesopotamia belt whilst the other was in the Peru-Brazil-Central America area.
They worked hard for about a century to try and bring the people to the right path. During this period of a hundred years they imparted all kinds of scientific and magical knowledge—the
knowledge which was recorded on "Lauhae Mahfooz". Due to the "Being of Light" being placed on the forehead of Adam, as recorded earlier, Man had the capacity of learning and acquiring any knowledge that was imparted to them from any source. Thus mankind received all kinds of scientific knowledge from these two angels for a century. As a matter of fact even in the last
60 years we have again acquired unimaginable similar scientific progress.
Dr. Eric Von Daniken has found at various places mute evidences of carvings, excavations, findings and folk-lore throwing light upon these scientific progress of the Pre-deluge people. He has not only recorded the remarkable nature of these discoveries but even produced photographs for all of us to see in his numerous researches and judge for ourselves. Let us take for instance only one of these books viz : ''Chariots of the Gods ?" [56].
One of these two angles or visitors from outerspace taught a numerical system with fifteen digits. On the hill of Kuyundjik (former Nineveh) a calculation was found with the final result in our notation of .95,955,200,000,000 (Pages 11 & 40).
The other taught the ten digital system with decimal calculations. A few examples of these wonderful calculations are :
a) The Mayas have left behind a fabulous calender with incredible calculations to last for 64 millions years (page 75).
b) The earth took 365.2420 days to make a circle round the sun— the exact calculation today is 365.2422 ! (page 75).
C) The discovery of thousands of years old electric dry cell batteries in Iraq (page 43) gives evidence that these fantastic calculations were done by electronic computers all over the world 5000 years ago.
Computer calculation were not the out only things they taught to the pre-deluge people. They even manufactured Nuclear powered rockets. Did space travel : Here is a quotation from pages 66-67 :
"On the seventh tablet is the first eye-witness account of a space trip, told by Enkidu. He flew for four hours held in the brazen talons of an eagle. This is how his story goes literally :
"He said to me : ‘Look down at the land What does it look like? Look at the sea. How does it seem to you?’ And the land was like a mountain and the sea was like a lake. And again, he flew for four hours and said to me: 'Look down at the land. What does it look like ? Look at the sea. How does it seem to you?‘ And the earth was like a garden and the sea like the water channel of a gardener. And he flew higher yet another four hours and spake : 'Look down at the land. What does it look like ? Look at the sea. How does it seem to you?' And the land looked like porridge and the sea like a water-trough.
"In this case some living creature must have seen the earth from a great height. The account is too accurate to have been the product of pure imagination. Who could have possibly said that the land looked like porridge and the sea like a water-trough, if some conception of the globe from above had not existed ? Because the earth actually does look like a jigsaw puzzle of porridge and water-troughs from a great height.
"When the same tablet tells us that a door spoke like a living person, we unhesitatingly identify this strange phenomenon as a loudspeaker".
They even took photographs of the earth from outer space. One such photo was taken from outer space of the land-masses of the earth. Based upon this photo of the earth, meridians were drawn to pinpoint the center of the land masses. At this point marking the centre of the earth the Great Egyptian Pyramid of Cheops has been built. The height of this Pyramid multiplied by 1000 million corresponds approximately to the distance between the sun and the earth i. e. about 93 million miles. A meridian running through the Pyramid divides the continents and oceans into two exact halves.
Besides the base of the Pyramid divided by twice its height gives the celebrated figure of "pi"—3.14159 (pages 98-100). The Pyramid is supposed to have been built by King Surid before the Deluge (page 102). A copy of this famous pre-deluge photographic map of the earth from outer space was found in the Topkapi Palaces, Istanbul, in the library of Admiral Piri Reis (see photograph opposite pages 96 & Seq). This map is identical to the photo taken by Apollo Lunar probes (pages 29-30 & 100).
They also had special "space - dromes" all over the earth. Out of the numerous rocket air-fields one is still intact at Nazca in Peru. It is some 37 miles long and one mile wide (pages 31-32) i.e. the largest air field in the World. On the high walls of the cliffs of Bay of Pisco is a 820 feet high indicator pointing to the Space-drome (page 33).
Nuclear wars had been fought on earth is clear from the fact that an entire fort the size a big four-storied mansion cut out of a single stone block weighing about 20,000 tons had been turned upside down near Sacsayhuaman. Barely 900 yeards away are rock vitrifications like those caused by nuclear explosions at Navada Desert. Similar rock vitrifications are also found in the vicinity of old Iraqi archaeological sites showing use of Nuclear weapons in different pre-deluge wars the world over (pages 38-39).
These people used to fire one rocket and it would destroy three individual cities at three different places by their bombs (pages 78). As such they had the "M.I.R.V." or multiple individually - guided re-entry vehicle for their nuclear weapons.
Their radio-active fall-outs used to destory everything in vast areas which used to become barren for long periods (pages 76-80).
The carvings of the Nuclear Rockets and the space suits worn by the Astronauts of these people are detailed in "Chariots of the Gods?". They are identical to those now being worn by our Astronauts ( see 7th page of photos after page 96 ).
Further these angels transported huge blocks of stone some individual pieces weighing over 100 tons. These were transported many miles over rough impassable terrain. Huge quantities of stones were transported for which no means nor man power existed in these early periods ( pages 35-38, 96-102 & 113-115 ). Yet they were done. How ? By the power of magic which these two angels taught. A power which we have not yet re-discovered and about which we now know little or nothing. The Quran informs us :
"...teaching mankind magic and that which was revealed to the two angels in Babel, Harut and Marut..." ( Quran Surah 2, Al-Bakr: Ayat 102).
10. A technical appliance of the pre-deluge period is reported to be still in existence in working condition in the ancient city of Akahim in the dense forest of North Western Brazil ( pages 1 & 2 of "Ancient Skies" Vol. 6, No. 4 dated September- October 1979 published by Ancient Astronaut Society of Illinois, U. S. A.).
These are but a few evidences which have come to light of the fantastic scientific achievements of the first civilisation of Man. All this was possible only due to the "Being of Light" being placed in the forehead of Adam which gave man the intelligence to achieve anything he tried for. We are now once again re-discovering during the past 60 years some of this vast knowledge that the first civilisation of man had.
Eventually after a time the "Nafs Ammara" or the desires of their bodies got the better of these two extraterrestial beings. Both Horus and Marduk were enticed by a very beautiful married woman.
At her behest they drank wine. Then at her command they murdered her husband. Thereafter she compelled them to worship idols. After that she permitted them to commit adultery with her [57].
Now they realised they were doomed. So they approached the greatest Prophet of that time and requested him to plead to Allah for their forgiveness. Prophet Enoch prayed for the two fallen angels during the night of the Jumma or Friday Sabbath, which commences from sunset of Thursday till sunset of Friday. But his prayers went unanswered. So these two superbeings again requested Enoch ( Arabic : Idrees ) to pray on the next Friday. On the second Friday Enoch was authorised by God to ask the angels, whether they wished to be punished on earth or in the next life. Both the angels preferred to be punished on earth because the punishment on earth would eventually come to an end when this planet would be destroyed. But the punishment on the Day of Judgement would be eternal.
So their punishment was that they have been hung upside down in a well inside a chamber deep underground at a place named "Babel". They have been tied with chains and will be continuously whipped until the destruction of this earth [58].
As read earlier Dr. Von Deniken has calculated the last visit from outerspace was on 11th August 3114 A.D. Therefore on 11th August 1985, 5099 years will have passed. Is not this space of about 5100 years an exceptionally long period during which numerous visits by extraterrestials from outerspace by highly intellegent beings should have taken place ? Why have they not visited us again and again ? Especially when they made such a successful contact with us and taught us the above fantastic scientific knowledge ? Does this not raise the doubt that they were not superbeings from space ?
If science fails to produce any logical answers must we accept failure? If we consider ourselves to be intelligent beings is it not our duty to hunt for a solution elsewhere ? Should we not ask who were these last visitors ?
All the religious Scriptures tell us that God sent angels to our leaders whom we call prophets to educate and guide mankind from the time of the first man Adam. A list of some of these visits throughout the ages until the last prophet are to be found in Chapter 8 Section "K" of this theisis. So Harut or Horus and Marut or Marduk were merely Angels, who had been given human bodies by God. Therefore they should not be regarded as super intellegent beings from Outerspace but merely Angels who had offered to correct Mankind from their evil ways.
We should soon be facing at the Battle of Armageddon a group whom the people of earth will regard as extraterrestials from outer-space. We shall read about them, their intentions and achievements later on in this research.
References to Chapter 6 :
[35] Holy Bible Genesis 1 : 29.
[36] Holy Quran Surah 95—At Tin : Ayat 4—6 & 8.
[37] Holy Quran Surah 6—Al Anam : Ayat 9.
[38] Holy Quran Surah 17—Bani Israil ; Ayat 70.
[39] Holy Quran Surah 2—Al Bakr : Ayat 31.
[40] Holy Quran Surah 2—Al Bakr : Ayats 32 & 33
[41] Holy Quran Surah 21—Al Anbia : Ayat 23.
[42] The meaning of the word “Sajada" in Arabic—English Lexicon by Edward William Lane.
[43] The Holy Quran Surah 2—Al Bakr : Ayat 34.
[44] The Holy Quran Surah 18—Al Kahf : Ayat 50.
[45] The Holy Quran Surah 38—Saad : Second portion of Ayat 76.
[46] Pages 53—54, Vol. 1, Tafrihul Azkia Fil Ahwal ul Anbia, collected and compiled between 1261 and 1300 A.H. by Abul Mohsin Hasan Alvi Kakori son of martyr Abul Hasan Hussain Alvi. 4th Edition, published by Munshi Naval Kishore Press, Lucknow in 1342 A.H.— March 1924 A. D. in Urdu language in 2 volumes.
[47] Pages 30-31, Vol. 1, Ajaibul Kassas written by Abdul Wahed son of Mohammad Mogni, assisted by Khan Bahadur Hakim Mohammad Ahsanullah, The original was written in Persian and completed in 1265 A.H —1848 A.D. Translated into Urdu by Syed Bakr Hussain Khan son of Syed Ali Naqi Khan. Seventh Edition published by Munshi Naval Kishore, Lucknow in 1926 A.D. in 2 volumes.
[48] Holy Quran Surah 38—Saad : First portion of Ayat 75.
[49] Holy Quran Surah 38—Saad : Ayat 72.
[50] Holy Quran Surah 35—Al Fatir : Ayat 45.
[51] Holy Quran Surah 38—Saad : First portion of Ayat 76.
[52] Holy Quran Surah 2—Al Bakr : Ayat 30.
[53] Holy Quran Surah 38—Saad : Second portion of Ayat 75.
[54] Holy Quran Surah 17—Bani Israil : Second portion of Ayat 61.
[55] Holy Quran Surah 7—Al Araf : Ayat 13.
[56] “The Chariot of the Gods ?" by Eric Von Daniken, published by Corgi Books, London reprint of 1975.
[57] Pages 133-134 Vol. 1, "Tafrihul Azkia Fil Ahwal Ul Anbia".
[58] Pages 135-136 Vol. 1, "Tafrihul Azkia Fil Ahwal Ul Anbia".