Friday, October 21, 2005

Chapter 8 : What Was The Necessity Of The Being Of Light Coming On Earth And Where ?


Around 436 A. D. the Romans withdrew their army and gave up Britain. This marked the begining of the downfall of the Roman Empire. By the end of the fifth century hordes of barbarians invaded Western Europe. This resulted in the destruction of the Roman Civilisation. It brought about the period of about 800 years known as the "Dark Ages".

The famous Indus Valley Civilisation of the Dravidians with their three great cities Mohenjo-Daro in Sind, Harappa just South-West of Lahore on the River Ravi and Kalibagnan on the river Saraswati had ceased to exist. Siddhartha from the famous family of Gautama was born about 560 B. C. He became famous under the title of Buddha or the "Enlightened One". He spread the enlightenment known as Buddhism throughout India. But about the sixth century it was eliminated from the countty of its orgin. The famous "Nalanda"' University of Buddhist teachings was deliberately effaced by covering it with stones and earth so as to leave no trace of Buddhism in India. It was rediscovered about 50 years back during the British rule in India. Those Buddhist who escaped with their lives from India carried with them Buddhism to all the neighbouring countries of Ceylon, Afganistan, Central Asia, Nepal, Tibet, Burma, Siam, Indo-China, China and Mongolia eventually reaching Korea and Japan etc.

Confucius or Kung-Fu-Tsu was born 531 B. C. His teaching was spread throughout China by four great teachers who followed him. But due to the attacks by the wild Tartar horsemen from the North all this old culture and learning was lost.

Where ever one turned his eyes towards in the whole world there was darkness, ignorance and barbarity during the end of the sixth century. The soul of mankind was appealing to its Creator for the light of guidance to draw them out of its appaling conditions of evilness.


By far the worst conditions to be found anywhere in the World of that time was in Pagan Arabia. Here the masses had fallen to such a low level that they were even far worse than wild animals. Instead of trying to improve they prided themselves upon as to who could think of and perform the greatest evil and mischief. Naturally hatred, jealously, robbing the honour of somebody and murder formed a part of their daily routine.

They were so much immersed in idolatry that each tribe had their own different idols for god with separate names and qualities. The result was that there were 360 idols at the Kaabah or the temple of God built by Prophet Abraham at Macca. Their argument being that it was impossible for one God to look after the universe. They believed that an individual God was a nece­ssity for each and every aspect of life. Hence the multiplicity of idols. Everybody in illiterate Arabia used to carve out a statue of his own choice and worship his own separate God. And if the idol could not grant their wishes they did not have any hesitation in breaking it and scattering its pieces on their dirty road and replacing it with a new one as per their conjecture. Instead of being ashamed at breaking and destroying a so-called God they would boast upon the niceties of the art they had spent upon making the new idol.

It was a practice with women visiting the Kaabah to dance before the idols. During the dancing these women would often throw off their clothes and become naked to give entertainment to the so-called gods. And further to ensure that her prayers would be granted she would lie down naked at the foot of the idol and with joy invite all the male worshippers of that idol present to obtain sexual satisfaction from her. She thus believed that because she has given satisfaction and joy to so many worshippers of the idol concerned that the god was now duty bound to fulfil her wishes. What could be more debasing ?

As soon as a girl had her menstruation in these hot climates at the ages of 9 or 10 years or a boy as soon as he reached puberty at the ages of 10 or 11 years they were considered fit for marriage. The youth of Arabia used to consider themselves as grown up and important as soon as they had sexual relations with the opposite sex, irrespective of whether in marriage or otherwise with slaves. As such it became imperative for the good families to have their daughters married off at these small ages. Often these teenagers had parties in imitation of their elders. At these parties their slaves were offered for the sexual entertainment of their guests. This was a matter of great pride for them.

There was no respect for womanhood. They had no rights to their husband's property so long as a son or brother was there to claim it. They were considered inferior to men. On the death of the father, all his wives were shared between the sons. These mothers were raped by the sons as if they were bond­maids. If any daughters were born they would be buried alive just because these pagan Arabs considered being called a "Father-in-law" as a very abominable abuse. They used to marry their own sisters. They were the most barbarous people living on earth. The rich did whatever they pleased. Because of their power and wealth they were considered right. There was no system of Justice. Law and order was not known. Might was always right. If they had to travel from one place to another they had to travel in groups with a large number of armed slaves as a protection. This was a necessity not only for their merchandise but also for their own safety. Anybody falling into the hands of robbers was immediately sold as a slave in the open market to the highest bidder. There was no respect for the fact that you hailed from a respectable or a rich family. Slaves had no rights. They had to carry out the orders of their masters without any questions being asked as to whether it was right or wrong. Refusal meant death by inhuman tortures.

For small individual incidents their tribes would take up the cause as a matter of prestige. Wars over such trifles were known to have been fought generation after generation. Sometimes these tribal wars have lasted for more than a century, whilst everyone had for­gotten long ago why or how the conflict arose amongs these neigh­bouring tribes of the same localities.

From these terrifying conditions of pagan Arabia it will be clear that had the "Being of Light" been sent by God to any part of the world the people of the whole world would surely have benefited and converted to the worship of the one and true Allah during his short reign on earth but it may have had no effect upon the barbar­ous Arabs. Further the evil ways of the Arabs would soon have corrupted the entire earth once again. So there was no option but that the Light of the universe had to come first to Arabia for pulling out the wild Arabs from their degradation and make them a guiding light for the degenerated world so that they may draw the people of this earth out of their dark ages into the Light of knowledge, science, progress and achievements.


Just as the "Being of Light" was responsible for the Chasm between the "Prehistoric Man" and Adam by civilising him, and between the spiritual forces and mankind, so also there was a wide gap between man from the time of Adam till the birth of Mohammad, who was the Being of Light or Nur-e-Mohammadi himself, and the period thereafter.

When Nur-e-Mohammadi came on earth as the Promised Prophet mankind everywhere had fallen into such depths of ignorance that it threatened the very existence of man.
The Promised Prophet Mohammad, the Holy Spirit, the Light of Truth came and guided mankind to "Al Islam" or "Surrender to the Will of the Almighty Creator" without any scope for distinctions of caste, colour, creed, languages or nationality". He started a force of universal love, unity and brotherhood. He thus laid the foundations for God's Kingdom on Earth :

"Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven".

The extent to which mankind progressed and developed in thirty years after Mohammad passed away from earthly life, was not achieved by any of the children of Adam in the 4,500 years they have been on earth before his time. Thus Islam educated the ignorant people of the earth from the shores of the Atlantic to China in such a way as to provide security, rights of women, basis for abolitions of slavery by giving everybody equal rights be they masters or slaves and freedom of speech, freedom from fear, the protection of the weak, rights of the poor, democracy and social justice. This was followed by a period of three hundred years in which the greatest philosophers, artists, mathe­maticians, scientists and educationalists were able to shine out from Islam and instruct Europe whilst she was still in her Dark Ages ! Since then man has continued this progress initiated by Prophet Mohammad, the Being of Light. For example, what man has achieved in the past couple of centuries is greater than what had been accomplished since the time of Noah or the second civilisation of Man. This progress is still continuing day by day with more impressive discoveries and scientific achievements. All this is thanks to Nur-e-Mohammadi or the Being of Light coming on earth as the Final Promised Prophet !

Thus Mohammad, the Logos, taught for the first time since the advent of Man that the sun, the moon, the heavens, the rivers the hills, the seas, the earth and all elements in them are not only subservient to man, but are also for man's benefit, comfort, upliftment and service. The Quran also confirms repeatedly these teachings. One example is quoted hereunder :

"Allah is He, Who created the heavens and the earth, and causeth water to descend from the sky, thereby producing fruits as food for you, and maketh the ships to be of service upto you (for trading, fishing and acquiring food and carrying cargoes), that they may stay afloat (or run) upon the sea at His command, and hath made of service unto you the rivers (of water. Oil and underground natural gas and the underground veins of metals, coal, ores, and chemicals).

"And hath made the sun and the moon, constant in their courses so as to be of service unto you and hath made of service unto you the night and the day".

"And He giveth you all that you ask of Him, and if ye were to count the bounties of Allah to you, you will not be able to count them. Lo ! man is verily a wrongdoer, an ingrate" [78].

These teachings thus removed the fear that man had for the elements— the fear that compelled man to worship the sun, the moon, the stars, the twelve apostolic constellations of the Zodiac, etc. as propagated by Nimrod the builder of the Tower of Babel.

Thus it was the Being of Light in the form of the Holy Prophet Mohammad that encouraged the study of the elements and promoted scientific and mathematical developments by his Preachings (Hadith) such as :

"Seek knowledge from thy cradle to thy grave".

"The ink of the scholar is more holy than the blood of the martyr”.

"Verily I heard the Prophet Mohammad say : That the person, who shall pursue the path of knowledge, Allah will direct him to the path of Paradise, and verily the superiority of the learned man over an ignorant worshipper is like that of the full moon over all the stars".

"If you have to go as far as the extremes of China in search of knowledge, then go".

These messages of encouragement and counsel of the Holy Spirit, the Light of Truth, caused Muslims to develop new plants, fruits, colours, fashions in dress, designs of houses, new types of architecture, sugar-cane and the manufacture of sugar spices, lemons, apricots, melons, cotton, muslin, damask, lilac and purple. Thus developed the manufacture and use of glass, glass mirrors, the mariners' compasses, gun-powder, writing paper, leather goods, the simple numerals 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 0, higher mathematics, "AI-geber-Aa" ( which means in Arabic the vowels ) or Algebra, medicines and many other feats of art and science. Universities were started for teaching not only dfferent subjects but also culture and even manners !

Just as one candle lights another and does not become less in its brightness but on the other hand increases the Light in places where there was darkness before, so also was the case with Nur-e-Mohammadi or the Being of Light. The Holy Bible has described him as : —

"In him was life ( of man from the creation of Adam ) and the life was the light of ( guidance for) men.

"And the light ( of the Logos or the Word of God) shineth in darkness and the darkness comprehended it not" [79].

The dark ages of Europe had set in as a result of the curse of Allah because of the burning in 325 A. D. of the Original Evangel of Jesus in Hebrew Aramaic Script by Emperor St. Constantine at the Council of Nicaea and rewriting of the Gospel in Greek under orders of this Pontifex Maximum [80]. The European Nations were given by Allah an opportunity to rekindle their extinguished torch with the "Light of Logos" by bringing them into very close contact with the teachings of the Being of Light from July 1099 A.D., the date of the capture of Jerusalem by the Crusaders uptil 1187 A. D. when Jerusalem was restored to the forces of the Being of Light, as also the contact of Europe with Spain under Islam for 781 years ( 711 A. D. to 1492 A. D. ).

It was from these contacts with this "Light" that the torch of Europe was relighted. From here they learnt about all the progress that Islam had made in the various fields. Thus it was from Islam's Universities, both in the Middle East and Spain, that the present day scientific progress, culture and education have come about in Europe. This is corroborated by several European Scientists. As an example, let us point to just one contribution in the field of chemistry from page 12 of "An Elementary Chemistry" by Eric John Holmyard, M.A., M.Sc, D. Litt, F.I.C., published by Edward Arnold (Publishers) Ltd., London, 3rd Edition Reprint 1957 :

"Fortunately, in the seventh century of our era, an event occurred that caused the theoretical and the practical sides to be brought together, and thus the Science of Chemistry was set upon a firm footing. This event was the rise of Mohammadamsm, or to give its proper name, Islam. Arabia has been inhabited from time immemorial by wandering tribes of Bedouin, and up to the beginning of the seventh century they had all been idolaters and were continually fighting with one another. The Prophet Mohammad, however preached the One God to them, and converted them from their idolatrous practices. In their enthusiasm for this new religion they forgot their feuds with one another, and became welded into a strong and united nation. After the Prophet's death, they set out on a war of conquest (against ignorance and illiteracy), and very soon the banners of Islam were floating over all the countries surrounding the Mediterranean, from the Atlantic Ocean to the River Indus.

"When the Muslim conquerors had settled down, they started to encourage learning as much as they possibly could. Trains of camels were sent to Constantinople and other towns to bring back to Baghdad all the books and manuscripts that could be procured, and the Caliphs founded colleges and observatories, libraries and hospitals all over the Empire. In this zeal for learning, chemistry was not forgotten but the Muslims were in the happy position of being able to use both the Greek wisdom and the practical arts of ancient Egypt, for they soon established themselves in the latter country.

"It was in Spain that the Muslims came into closest contact with Western Europe. During the time that they were in possession of the country (711-1492), their Universities were the best in the world, and European students used to flock to Cordova and Toledo and other towns to learn from the Muslim professors. When they had learnt what they could they were naturally anxious to pass on their knowledge to their fellow-count­rymen, and so they began translating books of all kinds from Arabic into Latin.

"One of these translators, an Englishman, ROBERT OF CHESTER, performed a double service : he not only translated the chief Arabic work on Algebra, and thus introduced this branch of mathematics to Europe, but he also translated a book on chemistry. This was the first book on chemistry to an European tongue, and the translation of it was finished on February 11, 1144. More translations followed and soon European scholars were able to make progress by themselves".

Victor Robinson on page 164 of "The Story of Medicine" has recorded :

''Europe was darkened at sunset, Cordova shone with public lamps. Europe was dirty, Cordova built a thousand baths. Europe was covered with vermin, Cordova changed its undergarments daily. Europe lay in mud, Cordova's streets were paved. Europe's palaces had smoke-holes in the ceiling. Cordova's arabeaques were exquisite. Europe's nobility could not sign its name, Cordova's children went to school. Europe's monks could not read the baptismal service, Cordova's teachers created a library of Alexandrian dimensions".

Hartwing Hirchfeld, Ph. D., has stated on page 9 of “New Researches into the Composition and Exegesis of the Quran" published in 1902 in London :

"We must not be surprised to find the Quran the fountainhead of the sciences. Every subject connected with the heaven or earth, human life, commerce and various trades are occasionally touched upon, and this gave rise to the production of numerous mono­graphs forming commentaries on parts of the holy book. In this way the Quran was responsible for great discussions, and to it was indirectly due the marvellous development of all branches of science
in the Muslim world .........This again not only affected the Arabs but also induced Jewish Philosophers to treat metaphysical and religious questions after Arab methods. Finally, the way in which Christian scholasticism was fertilised by Arabian theosophy need not be further discussed.

"Spiritual activity once aroused within Islamic bounds was not confined to theological speculations alone. Acquaintance with the philosophical, mathematical, astronomical and medical writings of the Greeks led to the pursuance of these studies. In the descriptive revelations Mohammad repeatedly calls attention to the movement of the heavenly bodies, as parts of the miracles of Allah forced into the service of man and therefore not to be worshipped. How successfully Muslim people of all races pursued the study of astronomy is shown by the fact that for centuries they were its principal supporters. Even now many Arabic names of stars and technical terms are in use. Medieval astronomers in Europe were pupils of the Arabs.

“In the same manner the Quran gave in impetus to medical studies and recommended the contemplation and study of nature in general".

The fact that Western Civilisation did not turn to the teachings of "Surrender to the will of Allah” or ''Al-lslam" shows clearly that the European Nations took advantage of only the scientific and material developments caused by the light of learn­ing spread by the Being of Light. They however ignored completely the religious doctrines of Mohammad. Hence their scientific know­ledge, without the backing of the spiritual or the religious aspects has made them prepare such Nuclear Weapons, which when used will destroy thousands of millions of us and reduce the Hiroshima and Nagasaki Atom Bomb catastrophies into complete insignificance in comparison with the holocaust to come about during a third world war which can only be avoided by the people of the earth if they will all "Surrender to the will and purpose of Allah".

After realising what the Being of Light has done for drawing mankind out of the Dark Ages and bringing them to the 'Light" of education, progress and prosperity resulting in the present fantastic scientific achievements let us now take a look at his genealogy from Adam the first man on earth till his birth :


(Of Prophet Muhammad)

§ Adam (Prophet & Father of all mankind)
§ Seth (Prophet) (Arabic Shish)
§ Enosh
§ Kenan
§ Mahalatel
§ Yared or Jared
§ Enoch (Prophet) (Arabic Idrees)
§ Methuselah (Prophet)
§ Lamech (Prophet)
§ Noah (Prophet and father of 2nd Civilisa­tion of mankind)
§ Shem (1st Son)
§ Arpachshad (Cainan)
§ Shelah
§ Eber
§ Deleg or Peleg
§ Reu
§ Serug
§ Nahor
§ Terah (or Azar)
§ Abram (Prophet) (Abraham) (Arabic Ibrahim) – Married Princess Hagar of Egypt (Arabic Hazra)
§ Prince Ishmael (Prophet)
§ Prince Kedar
§ Hamal or Arram
§ Awdh or Awz
§ Mazzy
§ Samy or Shamy
§ Zarah
§ Nahas
§ Maqsar or Maqsy
§ Alham or Abham
§ Aqnad
§ Eysar
§ Dishan
§ Aidhy
§ Arawi
§ Balham or Yalham
§ Yahzan or Nahzan
§ Yashrabi
§ Sambar
§ Hamdaan
§ Aldwa
§ Ubaid
§ Abqar
§ Aify
§ Makhy
§ Nahash
§ Jaham
§ Taunj
§ Ydlaf orTdlaf
§ Baldas
§ Haza
§ Nashid
§ Awwam
§ Ubbi
§ Qumwal
§ Yuz
§ Aus
§ Salaman
§ Humaisa
§ Ubad
§ Adnan
§ Maad
§ Nazaar
§ Mudhar
§ Elyas
§ Mudrekah
§ Khuzaimah
§ Kananah
§ Nadhar
§ Malek
§ Tehr
§ Ghalib
§ Luwaij
§ Kaab
§ Murrah
§ Kublab
§ Qussa
§ Adbul Munaf
§ Hashim
§ Abdul Muttaleb
§ Abdullah
§ Ahmed Mohammad (Prophet)
(May Allah bless them)

(Of Various Prophets)

§ Adam (Prophet & Father of all mankind)
§ (1st Son was Cain, 2nd Son was Abel (killed), 3rd Son was Seth (Prophet) (Arabic Shish))
§ Seth
§ Enosh
§ Kenan
§ Mahalatel
§ Yared or Jared
§ Enoch (Prophet) (Arabic Idrees)
§ Methuselah (Prophet)
§ Lamech (Prophet)
§ Noah (Prophet and father of 2nd Civilisa­tion of mankind)
§ (From 1st Son Shem came the Caucasoid & Archaic Whites. From 2nd Son Japhet came the Mongoloids & American Indians. From 3rd Son Ham came the Negroid, Dravidians & Aborigines of India & Melanesia. Ham’s son was Cush, whose son Nimrod was King and Builder of Tower of Babel. All other sons & daughters of Noah were destroyed in the Deluge)
§ Shem (1st Son)
§ Arpachshad (Cainan)
§ Shelah
§ Eber
§ Deleg or Peleg
§ Reu
§ Serug
§ Nahor
§ Terah (or Azar)
§ (1st Son was Nahor. 2nd Son was Haran whose Son was Lot (Prophet). 3rd Son was Abraham. 4th Child was Daughter Sarnai (Sarah))
§ Abram (Prophet) (Abraham) (Arabic Ibrahim) – Married Sarah Step sister
§ Isaac (Prophet)
§ Jacob (Israel Prophet) (Arabic Yacoob)
§ Levi
§ (1st Son was Kohath whose Son was Amran (or Imran) whose Sons were Aaron (Prophet from whose descendants comes mother of Virgin Mary) and Moses (Prophet))
§ Kohath
§ Judah
§ Perez
§ Hezron
§ Ram
§ Amminadab
§ Nahshon
§ Salmon or Salma
§ Boaz
§ Obed
§ Jesse
§ David (King & Prophet) (Arabic Dawood)
§ (One of his Sons was Solomon (King & Prophet) from who came the Line of Jewish Kings)
§ Nathan
§ Mattathha
§ Menna
§ Melea
§ Eliakim Jonam
§ Joseph
§ Judas
§ Symeon
§ Levi
§ Matthat
§ Jorim
§ Etiezer
§ Jesus
§ Er
§ Elmadam
§ Cosam
§ Addi
§ Melchi
§ Neri
§ Shealtiel
§ Zerubbabel
§ Rhesa
§ Joanan
§ Joda
§ Josech
§ Semein
§ Mattathias
§ Maath
§ Naggai
§ Esli
§ Nahum
§ Amos
§ Mattathias
§ Joseph
§ Jannai
§ Melchi
§ Levi
§ Matthat
§ Heli (Father of Mary)
§ Mary (Virgin)
§ Jesus (Prophet) (Arabic Eisa)
(May Allah bless them)


Mohammad was born at Macca at dawn on Monday 20th April, 570 A.D. This corresponds to 12th of Rabi-ul-Awwal 53 years before Hijrah Era. At the moment of his birth millions of miracles took place. Each and every idol all over the earth, even though many thousands of miles away from Macca, miraculously broke from their pedestals and fell on the floor. When lifted these idols spoke in human tongue in the language spoken in their respective areas. These idols announced the birth of Monammad the Promised Saviour of the Universe. And further stated that they had fallen in an act of paying their respects to Mohammad. Even the Magi Fire in the Zoroastrian Temple became quenched for the first time since it was lit over 2500 years earlier. Fourteen towers of the Royal Place of Nausherwan, the Persian Emperor broke and fell without any reason whatsoever etc. For details of the numerous other miracles, please refer to pages 403—409 of "Destruction or Peace".

A few of the daily miracles performed by the baby Mohammad are mentioned on pages 409 to 413 of "Destruction or Peace".

His father Abdullah died before his birth. His mother Amena and grand father Abdul Muttaleb died when he was about 7 and 9 years respectively. Thus he was an orphan from the commencement of his life. The reason obviously being that he had come on earth to give comfort and solace to others but not to receive the same, as that would change his status from being the “Comforter of the Universe" if there was anyone to give him comfort even during earthly childhood.


Amena stated that as soon as the labour pains of childbirth started, an angel came and asked her to drink from a cup in his hand This drink was whiter than milk and sweeter than honey and colder than anything she could think of. As soon as she drank this heavenly drink her pain disappeared and all fear of child-birth left her [81].

Amena then saw the gates of Heaven open. The angels came down for the adoration of the new babe. Three angels went towards the Kaabah. One angel stayed over the Kaabah. One went to the East and the other towards the West. A light then spread out, lighting up the universe. In this miraculous light, Amena stated, she could see distinctly the places of Palestine and Syria [82].

Then four unknown ladies appeared miraculously before Amena to attend to the child birth [81].

The first was very tall. She claimed she was Eve, the mother of mankind !

The second was Sarah, the mother of prophet Isaac, and grandmother of Jacob whose children were the Jews. She had appeared to plead for the forgiveness of the Hebrew community if they followed this child.

The third was Princess Hagar of Egypt, the mother of Prophet Prince Ismail the eldest and only son of Prophet Abraham when the order to sacrifice his only son had come. She came with Otto (a sweet-smelling essence) from heaven, to express her love for this great grandchild from her descendants which fulfilled Allah's promise to her husband Prophet Abraham :" the world would be blessed through they seed" [83].

The fourth was Queen Asiya, daughter of Pharaoh Mazahim. She was the wife of the Pharaoh of the time of Moses. She was that queen of Egypt, who brought up Moses from a little child when he was found floating in the basket on the River Nile. She was the first person in the Pharaoh's court who believed in Allah upon seeing how the small miraculous snake, made by the staff of Moses, ate up the bigger snakes of the Egyptian magicians. Whereupon the enraged Pharaoh tortured her severely by making her lie on the hot burning sand with a huge stone on her chest during the hot summer sun. But in spite of this, she refused to give up her faith. Eventually the Pharaoh had her publicly stripped naked and thrown into the fire, thus allowing her to wear the glories of a martyr's crown. This treatment was given also to the Egyptian magicians. Because they altogether fell at the feet of Moses and converted to the truth upon seeing how the single small snake made by the staff of Moses miraculously ate up their numerous larger magical pythons !

In the hands of these four great nurses was Mohammad born with his foreskin already circumcised miraculously from before birth, with his navel cord already separated miraculously from his mother's body and his body miraculously pure and clean without any kind of blood or filth on it and having a very sweet scent [84]. Thus was Mohammad born at dawn, i.e. the time between the end of the night and the commencement of daylight. He was the bringer of light of guidance to a world steeped in the darkness of ignorance and crime.

Immediately upon birth the child Mohammad miraculously did prostration to Allah and recited miraculously in a clear voice with his right hand index finger raised miraculously as if in the act of giving evidence [84], and said the following words :

"Ash-hadu an la illaaha il - lal lahu Anna Mohammadur Rasul Allah".

"Ya Rabbe habili Ummati".

Translation :

"I give evidence that none is worthy of divine worship except Allah, I am Mohammad, the messenger of Allah.

"O Sustainer (of the Universe) bless those who follow me".

At once Allah spoke to His beloved as one speaks face to face with his friend and replied :

Translation from the Arabic :

"I have blessed you and those who follow you. O Angels ! be ye witnesses of the fact that when he has not forgotten his followers upon his birth then how can he forget them on the Day of Judgement" [85].

At the time of his departure from earthly life 63 years later in 622 A. D. he had the same prayer on his lips as he had recited upon his birth viz :

"Ya Rabbe Habli Ummati".

Thus showing that he will surely obtain the forgiveness of his followers for whom he has atleast prayed from the time of his birth till the time of the termination of his earthly life.


Halima, the milk nurse of Mohammad, has confirmed that he never dirtied his clothes even once. Only once a day would he urinate and pass out stool at a specific time [86]. As soon as his urine or stool came in contact with the ground, it would be swallowed up at once by the earth leaving a pleasant perfume instead of a bad smell as in the case of ordinary human beings. If he went to answer a call of nature in the forest, the trees would form a curtain around him. When he returned from that place only a fragrance would come out of the ground [87].


Because Mohammad's body was made out of the “Transparent Light" or Nur of Allah, so his body even though appearing like a human being threw no shadow. This is the only case in the history of mankind that the body of a man did not throw any shadow when light fell upon it, even when clothed in ordinary clothes [88].


When Mohammad walked upon the sand he never left any footprints on the soft earth. But his numerous footprints on hard rocks are still preserved and can be inspected at various places [89].


His exemplary conduct from his childhood, his acts of charity, his caring for the sick, going out of his way to help the poor and distressed, looking after the needs of the orphans and widows, won him not only the love of the poor but also the admiration of the rich. At a public function the leaders of Qureysh bestowed upon Mohammad the title of "Al Amin" i. e. "The Faithful and True" when he was as young as 24 years 9 months and 6 days. This was more than 15 years before the declaration of Prophethood [90]. This is the very title of "The Faithful and True" by which he has been referred to in the Holy Bible [91].

"The next year (6 A.H.) a ten years' peace treaty was concluded with the Qureysh, in pursuance of which a strange scene took place in the following spring. It was agreed that Mohammad and his people should perform the Lesser Pilgrimage, and that the Qureysh should for that purpose vacate Macca for three days. Accordingly in March 626, about two thousand Muslims with Mohammad at their head on his famous camel, El-Kaswa, the camel on which he had escaped from Macca, trooped down the valley and performed the rites which every Muslim to his day observes.

“It was surely a strange sight which at this time presented itself in the valley of Macca, a sight unique in the history of the world. The ancient city is for three days evacuated by all its inhabitants, high and low, every house deserted, and as they retire, the exiled, converts, many years banished from their birth place, approach in a great body, accompanied by their allies revisit the empty homes of their childhood and within the short allotted space fulfil the rites of pilgrimage. The ousted inhabitants, climbing the heights around, take refuge under the tents and other shelter among the hills and glens ; and clustering on the over­hanging peak of Abu-Kubeys, thence watch the movements of the visitors beneath them, as with the Prophet at their head, they make the circuit of the Kaabah and the rapid procession between Es-Safa and Marwah ; and anxiously scan every figure if perchance they may recognise among the worshippers some long-lost friend or relative. It was a scene rendered possible only by the throes which gave birth to Islam.

"When the three days were over, Mohammad and his party peaceably returned to Madinah ; and the Maccans re-entered their homes. But this pilgrimage, and the self-restraint (or Jihad ) of the Muslims therein, advanced the cause of Islam umong its enemies. Converts increased daily and some leading men of the Qureysh now went over to Mohammad The clans around were sending in their deputations of homage".


But this state of good relations did not last for long. The Maccans saw that Mohammad was winning everyone over to his religion by his wondrous examples of "Jihad" or self-control. Out of jealousy and hatred for Mohammad, they deliberately broke the truce by massacring inside the sanctuary of the Kaabah itself several members of the Pagan tribe of "Khuzza" who were the allies of the Muslims. Naturally this tribe prayed whilst at Macca to Mohammad that night in their distress: "Oh Mohammad save us as per your treaty with us". Mohammad immediately replied from Madina : "Labbaik, Labbaik" i. e. “I am present, I am seeing that you have been massacred". Next morning after morning prayers he announced in Madinah that their friends and allies the tribe of Khuzza have been murdered within the sanctuary of Macca. They have appealed for his help ! He has promised them help ! Their representa­tive Ibnu Salim will be arriving at Madina in three days time. So they have to go to their help.

Mohammad's army comprised of ten thousand saintly persons. They were out not to take revenge upon the population of Macca. But to set into operation a state of affairs as would prevent the massacre of innocents within the sanctuary of Kaabah in the future.

The following Divine Law was officially declared as the objective of this Jihad :

"The Truth (that Allah is one and alone) has come (to be established) and false-hood (of Numerous idols being worshipped) has vanished away. Lo ! falsehood is ever bound to vanish" [100].

Mohammad by his clever manoeuver entered Macca without a fight. In such a situation the Qureysh had to surrender as they found resistance impossible. Mohammad went straight into the Kaabah followed by his ten thousand saints. He stood one by one before each of the 360 idols in the Kaabah and pointed with his staff to each of idols one at a time and recited the above order. As soon as he would recite this passage from the Quran the particular idol concerned would miraculously break away from its stand, hurl itself onto the ground at the foot of Mohammad in prostration, smashing itself into fragments [101].

The amazed, unbelieving and ungodly Maccans each and everyone of them witnessing this series of 360 miracles out of wonder, amazement and conviction enbloc fell upon the feet of Mohammad and willingly embraced his teachings realising that without any doubt Mohammad was in the right, otherwise he could never have captured Macca, just as the army of Yemen had failed to even enter Macca in 570 A.D. with their cavalry of charging elephants when there was not even a single defender to save Macca [102].

This incident had been foretold in numerous world scriptures. A few are quoted as a ready reference :

1. The Book of Moses

"And this is the blessing, wherewith Moses the man of God blessed the children of Israel before his death.

"And he said, the Lord came from Sinai and rose from Seir (this is a hill in South Madina, so it is a reference that the Holy Prophet Mohammad will rise up from Madina) unto them ; he shined forth from mount Paran (this is the Biblical name of Macca the place where Prophet Ishmael was left when he was a few months old [103] ) ; he came with ten thousands of saints; from his right hand went a firely law for them (i e. the destruction of idols and idolatry).

"Yea, he loved the people; all his saints are in thy hand; and they sat down at the feet; every one shall receive thy words" [104].

2. The Old Testament

"My beloved (says God) is white and ruddy, the chiefest among ten thousand" [105] and that "he is called Mahamad" [106].

3. The New Testament

"And Enoch also, the seventh (generation) from Adam, prophe­sied of these, saying : Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints.

"To execute judgement upon all and to convince all that are ungodly among them of their ungodly deeds which they have committed and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him" [107].

4. The Atharva Veda

The Atharva Veda in Kandra 20, Sukta 127, Mantras 1-3 quoted from Sanskrit Text and English Translation given on pages 103-104 of "Mohammad in World Scriptures" by the Brahmin Sanskrit Scholar Maulana Abdul Hoque Vidyarthi, informs :

a) "He is the prince of peace or the emigrant, who is safe even amongst a host of opponents" (Mantra 1). This apparently refers to Mohammad's miraculous escape from the midst of 40 armed Maccans from the 40 different tribes of Qureysh who had surrounded his house after swearing to murder him by the morning.

b) "He is a camel-riding Rishi, whose chariot touches the heaven" (Mantra 2). Thereby foretelling he would be from Arabia and that he would have the honour of visiting Allah in Heaven [108].

c) “He is the most highly praised Rishi (or Prophet) who is given a hundred chains of gold (refers to his hundred staunch followers, who upon his advice left Macca for Abyssinia to avoid the bitter persecution by the Maccans), ten wreaths (refers to his ten close companions who are known as "Ashra-e-Mubbashashara” or the ten who were foretold during their life time by Prophet Mohammad that they would be blessed with heaven. These ten are : Abu Bakr, Omar, Osman, Ali, Talha, Zubair, Abdur Rahman ibne Auf, Saad bin Abu Waqqas, Saad ibne Zaid and Abu Ubeidah), three hundred good steeds (refers to the army of 300 men and 13 children who stood by the Holy Prophet at Badr in 2 A.H.) and ten thousand cows (refer to the army 10,000 saints with whom he would capture Macca)” (Mantra 3).


Let us recount what was the character of the Qureysh of Macca and their conduct towards the Prophet. During the first thirteen years of his preachings, there was hardly a day when he and his followers were not insulted, molested, attacked, tortured and even wounded. The Prophet himself invariably got the worst treatment as he would be in the forefront to protect his followers. It was normal for him to return home daily bleed­ing from head to foot. Abu Sufian's wife had the prophet's uncle Hamza knifed and killed from the back. After that she not only dismembered each and every part of his body and mutilated these but also she cut open his chest and even tried to swallow the heart of this martyr. The Maccans had tortured to death all Muslims that fell into their hands. The Prophet also knew well the names of each and every one of the forty persons from the forty clans of the Qureysh who had surrounded his house at Macca with the avowed intention to murder him when he miraculously escaped from amongst their midst that night. This gives enough of a picture of the blood thirsty nature of the people of Macca.


It is but natural to expect that all these cruel criminals should be slaughtered and a river of blood should flow down the streets of Macca. A Scottish scholar has commented :

"Now was the time for the Prophet to show his blood thirsty nature. His old persecutors are at his feet. Will he not trample on them, torture them, revenge himself after his own cruel manner (i.e. speaking generally of the blood thirsty nature of the Qureysh to which Mohammad also belonged) ? Now the man will come forward in his true colours; we may prepare our horror and cry shame beforehand,

"But what is this ? Is there no blood in the streets (of Macca) ? Where are the bodies of the thousands that (this scholar had presumed for the sake of argument to) have been butchered ? Facts are hard things".

Then this professor goes on to quote from Stanley Lane-Pool, (pages XLVI-XLVll, "Speeches and Table-Talks of the Prophet Mohammad") which will once again show how Mohammad carried out his Jihad against the captured Maccans :

"But the final keystone was set in the eighth year of the flight (A.D. 630), when a body of Qureysh broke the truce by attacking an ally of the Muslims ; and Mohammad forthwith marched upon Macca with ten thousand men, and the city, defence being hopeless, surrendered.

"The day of Mohammad's greatest triumph over his enemies was also the day of his grandest victory over himself. He freely forgave the Qureysh all the years of sorrow and cruel scorn they had afflicted him with and gave an amnesty to the whole popula­tion of Macca. Four criminals, whom Justice condemned, made up Mohammad's proscription list, when he entered as a conqueror the city of his bitterest enemies. The army followed his example and entered quietly and peaceably, no house was robbed, no woman insulted. One thing alone met destruction. Going to the Kaabah, Mohammad stood before each of the three hundred and sixty idols and pointed to it with his staff, saying : "Truth is come and falsehood has fled away", and at these (Quranic) words all the idols and household gods of Macca and round about mira­culously destroyed themselves.

"It was thus that Mohammad entered again his native city. Through all the annals of conquest there is no triumphant entry like unto this one" (Mohammad, Prophet and Statesman by W. Montgomery Watt).

This incident brings out the meaning of Jihad as taught by Mohammad that one's life has to be completely in surrender to the wishes of the Creator. This is supported by :

"Say: Lo ! my worship and my sacrifice and my living and my dying are all for Allah the Lord of the Universe" [109].

It was such unique and unparalled examples of his Jihad or self-control which has won for him the admiration of foreign research scholars all over the world. Only one of them is quoted here :

"Philosopher, Orator, apostle, legislator, warrior, conqueror of ideas, restorer of rational dogmas, a cult without images ; the founder of twenty terrestrial empires and of one spiritual empire. That is Mohammad ! As regards all standards by which human greatness may be measured, we may well ask, is there any man greater than he ?" [110].

For more such references please refer to pages 465—477 of "Destruction or Peace".


Miracles have been performed from time to time by numerous Prophets and Saints in the past. The number of miracles performed by the Comforter Saviour of the Universe are far too many and would require many dozens of thick volumes just to list them. A few of the unique ones which nobody has performed are included here :

1. The Miracles relating to inanimate objects :

Inanimate objects like rocks, hills, trees etc. used to revere and obey the Holy Prophet Mohammad. No other Prophet in the world received such honour [111].

a) One day Abu Jahal came with a crowd of Pagan supporters to Mohammad with a magic Brass Idol and asked the idol to abuse the Holy Prophet. The idol instead of abusing the Prophet recited
the Kalma :-

"There is none worthy of divine worship except Allah and Mohammad is the messenger sent by Allah" [112].

b) Once an uneducated tribal Bedouin came to the Holy Prophet and said – if you can get that particular old large tree to come over here and give evidence that Allah is only one and that you are His Prophet, I shall become a Muslim. Accordingly at the request of Mohammad the tree drew out its roots from under the ground and came crawling on its roots, recited the Kalma in Arabic "That none is worthy of divine worship save Allah and Mohammad is the messenger sent by Allah", thereafter it went back to its original position [113].

c) In the Mosque of the Prophet at Madinah, there was the dead stump of a tree against which the Holy Prophet Mohammad leaned when making speeches. When the mosque was extended, a new pulpit was built. The day the Holy Prophet went to make his first speech from this pulpit, the stump started weeping so loudly that all the people in the mosque heard it. Mohammad went and consoled the stump by saying : "Do you want to be with me on this earth or in Heaven ? “ The log replied it preferred the hereafter ! So it was buried at that very spot [114].

2. Miracles relating to objects outside the Earth :

Only one such example is being mentioned here out of several.

It was the full-moon night of the 14th of the Lunar month of Rajjab, in the eighth year after prophethood and five years before Hijrah i.e. corresponding to 617 A.D. that a group of pagans alongwith a group of Jews came to Mohammad and challenged him, that if he was the Prophet of Allah, he should prove it by splitting the moon on this full moon night.

The Holy Prophet went on top of the hill Abu Kubeys at Macca accompanied by them alongwith many others. At a sign of his finger the moon was split into two. One piece moving away Northward and the other Southward, whilst continuing in their rotation around the earth.

All caravans arriving at Macca for several weeks thereafter confirmed that they saw the moon split into two at this particular time and date, even though they were as far away as Syria and Palestine etc. They also confirmed that all the local people of the numerous towns in these countries had also seen it with great amazement ! [115]

Raja Bhoj, King of Dhar—a town near the Chambal River in Malwa Plateau in Central India, was enjoying a quiet midnight in his palace garden, when he saw the moon split into two halves which moved away from each other. Frightened at this sight, he raised an alarm thinking the destruction of the world was at hand. Hundreds of thousands of people of Western India witnessed this disturbing sight. The pundits pointed out from "Bhavishya Puran" that it had been foretold that a great personage would be born in Arabia. He would not be taught how to read or write yet he would teach the world what they knew not.

His teaching would be logical, wonderful and simple. These teachings would influence the world. His name would be Mahamad. The splitting of the moon would be one of his numerous miracles. That those who would not follow the teachings of this great divine messenger would eventually be losers on this earth and in the next life. Raja Bhoj accordingly converted to Islam [116].


Nobody can perform any miracles before his birth. The only exception has been the Comforter Saviour of the Universe. In his case the miracles before his birth have been many. One such example is quoted herein.

When Adam was created the unpolluted earth was a veritable paradise—The beautiful "Garden of Eden". Unfortunately the first Civilisation of man upon acquiring Nuclear and Scientific knowledge from the two angels fought several major Nuclear wars against the two major colonisations of men, viz. the Eastern comprising of Egypt, Mediterranean and Mesopotamia and the other, in Central America, Peru and Brazil areas. Thus vast areas of the earth were polluted. Eventually Mankind became so wicked that they completely violated the sanctity of sex and considered marriage as some­thing outdated. Men and women freely indulged in sexual abuses which gave pleasures. Thus they prided upon their broadmindedness and freedom. The show of their parties were the beautiful dancers both male and females. In the course of dancing they would not only display their nakedness but they would also induce the honoured guests of the opposite sex to enjoy them, as they were experts at giving sexual enjoyment of every description. These led to rape, violence, insecurity, jealousies, rivalries, bloodshed and murders.

This situation demanded punishment from the Almighty. The Holy Bible has described it as:

"And God saw that the wickedeness of men was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

"And the Lord said : I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth ; both man and beast and the creeping things, and fowls of the air............

"But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord" [117].

Noah (Peace of God be on him) warned these scientifically advanced people to give up their sinful ways of freedom of sex, violence, murders, rape and disobedience of God's orders otherwise the Lord would drown them. In reply they boasted that the Almighty could not harm them by His threat of drowning as this planet was much too large with many high mountains and plateaus to be completely flooded in any one single castastrophe. Further they were ready all over the world to shoot off with most of the people then living on Earth in their Nuclear Rockets which were much more powerful than any storm that the God of Noah could bring about. As such they were more than fully confident of saving themselves. So they had no reasons whatsoever to be afraid of the Creator and His threats !

They laughed at and mocked Noah for building a wooden Ark and that also without any machineries in it to escape the deluge. It was really beyond their comprehension how a powerless craft made of wood, a very weak material, would escape the deluge when their nuclear powered space rockets made out of scientifically developed metals which were many times more powerful, stronger and safer were not going to escape according to the warnings of Noah.

So when Noah entered the Ark a radio warning was flashed all over the earth to stand by expecting the Almighty's curse. What these scientists could not anticipate, inspite of all their alertness, was that at that very moment Allah caused a big outburst in Jupiter which threw out a large white hot mass which hurtled past just missing the Earth !

It caused the Earth's atmosphere to be charged with electric energy which electrocuted all those near their Nuclear Rockets or any kind of metals or machinery. The gases from the tail of this mass burnt up a part of the Oxygen in earth's atmosphere which glowed red hot. This created a heat wave which melted the snows all over the earth including the two polar ice-caps, the icebergs, glaciers and the snows on Mountain peaks. It also rained down a liquid like thick crude oil. The gravitation pull of this huge mass from so near a distance titled the earth's axis. It upset the equilibrium of the Earth and threw out from the bowels of this planet literally many seas of hot burning lavae. Thus causing huge vacuums under the crust all over the world. This resulted in many parts of the earth's surface to be sucked in and collapse. Many Islands like Atlantis sank. The level of the ocean bed rose upward [118].

According to Cesari Emiliani of University of Miami the North American ice-cap underwent a sudden collapse followed by rapid melting. Emiliani says : "A huge amount of ice-melted water rushed into the Gulf of Mexico and produced a Sea-level rise, that spread around the world with the speed of a great tidal wave which can circle the earth in 24 hours” [119]. Emiliani's findings are corrobrated by geologist James Kennet of the University of Rhodes Island and Nicholas Shackton of Cambridge University. The burning liquids from under-ground, the melting snows, the forty days and nights of continuous down pour of heavy rains and the floods from the Oceans submerged everything including all the montains according to the Holy Scriptures [120]. A vivid example being Mount Illimani, 6457 metres above sea-level and its adjoining depression in the Andes Mountain along the Peru Bolivian border. This depression is at a height of 3810 metres above sea-level. It is 222 Kms long and 111 Kms. wide. It has a depth of 244 metres. The evidence of maritime life at this fantastic height and the ruins of Tiahuanaso found six feet below the present level of Lake Titicaca goes to show to what incredible heights the sea waters of Noah's flood rose ! (The Article "Lake on Top of the World" by James Winchester on pages 82—88 of Reader's Digest of May 1947).

Do the findings and research of scientists support the fantastic world-wide calamities of the great deluge? Here area few quotations from different experts out of hundreds that could be quoted !

"In Western North America, the Columbia River basalts compriss more than 60,000 cubic miles of piled up lava-sheets spread over a region considerably more than 100,000 square miles " [121].

"We have gained from the mulch pits of the Yukon Valley a picture of "Quick extinction". The evidences there are as obvious as in the horror camps of (Hitler's Nazi) Germany. Such piles of bodies of animals and men simply do not occur by only ordinary means" [122].

“We live in a Zoologically impoverished world, from which all the hugest and fiercest and strangest froms have recently disappeared.............. yet it is surely a marvellous fact, and one
that has hardly been sufficiently dwelt upon, this sudden dying out of so many large Mammalia, not in one place only but over half the surface of the globe (according to findings and discoveries made uptil 1962 A. D., since then the excavations show that this sudden disaster covers the whole face of the earth)" [123].

Noah took only representatives of various mammal groups— but certainly not every variety. This now clearly explains why so many mammals became extinct. We have, for example, certain species of elephants with us today but not all the different species. The woolly mammoth and mastodon, relatives of the modern elephant, died in the deluge never to be replaced again, as there is no such thing as evolution otherwise they would certainly have evolved from the ordinary elephants.

Scientific findings show that some terrible cataclysms such as the Deluge, the snow-age, sudden convulsions and upheavals of the earth's surface, or sudden alterations of conditions and other disasters have on numerous occassions in the past wiped out totally the reptiles, the mammals and several other forms of life on earth.

As a result there is not a single living thing on the face of this earth, which is 50,000 years old, or even twenty-five thousand or even ten thousand years old.

The oldest living things on the face of the earth are trees. Speak­ing about the "Bristlecone Pine'', the famous scientist Edmund Schulman said :

"Microscopic study of growth rings reveals that a bristlecone pine tree found last summer at nearly 10,000 feet began growing more than 4,300 years ago. Many of its neighbours are nearly
as old; we have now dated 17 bristlecone pines 4,000 years old or more" [124].

Dr. Schulman was very much puzzled with the same approximate age limit of about 4,000 years of the Giant Sequoia, trees which he had studied. These trees enjoy near-perpetual life in the absence of gross destruction, they even appear to be immune to insect attacks. Because this is so Dr. Schulman asked the following question as early as 1934 :

"Pertinent also is the well-known fact that standing snags of this species, other than those resulting from factors of gross destruc­tions, are unknown. Does this mean that shortly preceeding 3273 years (or 4000 years ago if John Muir's somewhat doubtful count was correct) all the then living giant Sequoias were wiped out by some Catastrophe" [125].

That is something to think about : Why is it that these various varieties of still-living trees are each about 4,000 years old ? Further they seem to be the original trees that grew in their present stands ! One is tempted to ask the question : Did any terrible catastrophe occur which wiped out completely not only the entire animals and plants but even human lives just beyond the historical era i. e. around 4,000 / 4,300 years ago ? Had something happened in the recent past to wipe out the old system of things then in existence and bring into being a new system ? If it were so, then it explains everything logically and scientifically.

The Holy Bible, Tafrihul Azkia Fil Ahwal Ul Anbia, Taskiratal Anbia, the Quran and other religious scriptures tell us that about 2370 B. C. or 4355 years ago from today 1985 A. D. a great Deluge drowned and destroyed all living forms of life on this planet including the entire human race except for those eight persons in Noah's Ark. This flood not only brought thick layers of clay, and mud and maritime life from the sea beds and elsewhere over the tops of Mountains but at the same time lava flowed out of the bowels of the earth not as a stream as is now being experienced but as a veritable fiery flood. It filled the valleys, burnt up the forests, streamed out lakes and buried mountains and covered the earth with a new virgin layer of soil by effacing all signs of previous forms of life and vegetation, thereby giving a new start to many forms of animal and vegetable life on this earth. Even people living in isolation in South America have legends of this flood. The Hopi Indians living far from the sea and the Incas living high in the Peruvian Andes have legends of a great flood washing over the land covering the tops of the mountains and effacing virtually all life on earth. The cuneiform tablets dug up in Mesopotamia also speak of this terrible flood. Learned Researchers have commented :

"A deluge such as that described in the Book of Genesis occurs in the legends and folklore of almost every ancient people.

"Such agreement among the legends of so many peoples living in distant parts of the world has caused scholars in modern times to wonder whether mankind in truth experienced the worldwide catastrophe of a deluge" [126].

Nothing escaped not even men, animals and plants on the face of the earth This planet become uninhabitable for a period of 204 days in 2370 B C. according to Biblical calculations [120].

The white hot mass which caused this catastrophe and nearly destroyed the earth upon being attracted by the gravity of the Sun became its youngest planet known as Venus. It is still an inferno after 4355 years. Ridiculously it rotates backward on its axis. It takes 243 days to make one rotation on its axis. Venus takes 224.7 days to make a circumference around the Sun. Thus God has proved that He is much more powerful than Man and all his intelligence and science put together.

Just because the saviour of the Universe was going to be born in 570 A.D. from a descendant of Noah so Allah saved that helpless unpowered Ark and all that were therein which floated safely over the boiling liquid mass insulated by thick wood against both heat and electricity in the atmosphere. The Crude oil from above acted as a further preservative !


When Noah's Ark landed upon Mount Ararat after the floods subsided there were left only Noah, his wife, his three sons and their three wives. A total of only eight human beings. Noah was over 600 years of age of that time. So he had no more children. Noah lived for 350 years after the deluge.

The second civilisation of man has come from the three surviving sons of Noah who were blessed with plenty of children after the floods :

1) Shem was the eldest son of Noah. He had a fair-coloured skin. From him has come about the basic race known scientifically as Caucasoid with colour of eyes, hair and skin light. The hair structure is fine to medium, wavy or straight. Beard and body hair is usually abundant. Nose is high and narrow. The blood group tends more towards "A" than "B". They are spread over Northern India, Iran, Middle East, Arabia, North Africa, Europe and in the European Colonies of America and Australia etc.

A group was separated in the very early stages, perhaps immediately after the curse upon the Tower of Babel. This group is commonly known as the Archiac Whites of Australia.

2) Japheth is the second son of Noah. He is the father of the Mongoloid race. His basic characteristics are :

Hair is black.
Skin is yellow.
Eyes are brown.
Eye forms are slanting but not much recessed with the Mongoloid eyefold.
Hair texture is coarse with very little beard and body hair.
Noses are moderately broad with a low bridge.
Their blood group is usually high in "B".
They are found all over Asia and the Arctic regions, excluding South West Asia, Persia, South East Asia and most parts of India.

The American Indians belong to this category of the human race. They separated from the main group shortly after the Tower of Babel incident.

3) Ham is the third son of Noah. He had a dark-brownish to back skin with woolly hair. From him have developed the dark-skinned races of the world. He is the originator of the Negroids (Africa excluding the North), Dravidians and South Indians and Hamites of Abyssinia, Eritrea and South Arabia.

Noah had a fourth son. He did not believe in God. He refused to go with his father into the Ark. Rather he made fun of Noah and his God. When the waters of the Deluge came he confidently climbed up the highest mountain in the area to save himself. The flood waters rose above the top of the highest mountain. So this wicked son of Noah was drowned with the rest of the people on earth !

The three basic types of mankind now in existence all over the world can trace their origin directly from one or more of the three sons of Noah who were saved. Hence the second civilisation of man are the children of Noah, who was himself a descendant of Adam.

In the beginning they all spoke one common language, and lived as one large joint family This unity of Mankind continued until the curse of God at the Tower of Babel. They all went to sleep speaking one language. They arose the next morning speaking different languages causing confusion, disunity and seperation This is the origin of the different races, tribes and nationalities amongst mankind !

God promised to Noah that He would never again destroy the whole of mankind by water [127]. This time the warning is that this second civilisation of man when they become equally advanced in science and evil they will destroy themselves by fire—a clear indication towards a Nuclear Holocaust or Armageddon !

Now arises the question, how can we save ourselves from Armageddon ? And safely reach the third civilisation of Man ?

References to Chapter 8 :

[78] Holy Quran Surah 14—Abraham : Ayats 32-34.
[79] New Testament-St. John 1:4 & 5.
[80] Pages 477-478 "Babylon the Great has fallen ! God's King­dom Rules" by Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society of Pensylvania, published 1963 & pages 202-205 "The Two Babylons" by Rev. Alexander Hislop, published 1953 & pages 151-162 "Destruction or Peace" by Hajee Mahboob Kassim, published in Calcutta by the Author, 1971.
[81] Pages 43-44, Vol. 2, "Ajaibul Kassas" by Abdul Wahed in Persian and translated into Urdu by Syed Bakr Hussain Khan, published by Munshi Naval Kishore Press, Lucknow, 1926 in 2 Vols.
[82] Pages 18-19 of “Ahsan Ul Muwaiz" by Mohd. Ebrahim Dehelvi, published by Naval Kishore Press, Lucknow.
[83] Holy Bible—Genesis 22: 18.
[84] Pages 10-13, Vol. 2 "Tafrih Ul Azkia Fil Ahwal Ul Anbia".
[85] Page 44, Vol. 2 "Ajaibul Kassas".
[86] Pages 40-41, Vol. 2 "Manahejun Nabuwat" by Abdul Haq Mohaddis Dehelvi in Persian. Translated, into Urdu by Khwaja Abdul Majid, Published by Naval Kishore Press, Cawnpore Feb. 1918.
[87] Miracles Nos. 35 & 36, Page 433, Vol. 2 Tafrihul Azkia Fil Ahwal Ul Anbia & pages 44-48, Vol. 1, "Manahejun Nabuwat".
[88] Page 40, Vol. 1, "Manahejun Nabuwat" & pages 41-47 "Muraquae-Rasool" by Hajee Hafiz Mohd. Mushtaq Ahmed Chishty, published by Fakir Ishtiaq Ahmed Chishty, Book­sellers, Delhi on 21st Sowwal 1346 A. H. which quotes numerous Hadis from page 319, Vol. 3 "Shefa Sharif" also page 68 Vol. 1 "Khassas Kubra" and page 248, Vol.1, "Tarikh Khamis".
[89] Page 454, Vol 2, "Tafrihul Azkia Fil Ahwal Ul Anbia" and page 47 "Muraqua-e-Rasool".
[90] Page 24, Vol.2, "Tafrihul Azkia Fil Ahwal Ul Anbia".
[91] Holy Bible—Revelation 19:11.
[92] Page 77-81, "Destruction or Peace".
[93] Holy Bible Old Testament—Judges 13:2-20.
[94] Pages 127-130 "Destruction or Peace".
[95] Pages 402-404, "Destruction or Peace".
[96] Pages 418-420, "Destruction or Peace".
[97] Pages 430-432, "Destruction or Peace".
[98] Pages 671, "Destruction or Peace".
[99] Pages 434-436, "Destruction or Peace".
[100] Holy Quran—Surah 17—Bani Israil : Ayat 81.
[101] Miracles No. 212, Pages 101-102 "Maujizat-e-Mohammadia" by Mufti Enayatullah.
[102] Pages 111-113 of''Destruction or Peace".
[103] Holy Bible- Genesis 21 : 21.
[104] Holy Bible—Deuteronomy 33: 1-3.
[105] Holy Bible—Songs of Solomon 5:10.
[106] Holy Bible—Hebrew Text of Songs of Solomon 5:16.
[107] New Testament—Jude : 14 & 15.
[108] Pages 420-428, “Destruction or Peace".
[109] Holy Quran—Surah 6—Al Anam : Ayat 163.
[110] Page 277, Vol. 2, “Histore de la Turquie" by La Marline, published in Paris 1854.
[111] Pages 433, Vol. 2, "Tafrihul Azkia Fil Ahwal Ul Anbia" & page 370 Vol. 1, "Manahejun Nabuwat".
[112] Page 45, Ahsan Ul Muwaiz.
[113] Miracle No. 32, Page 433, Vol. 2, "Tafrihul Azkia Fil Ahwal Ul Anbia”.
[114] Miracle No. 29, Page 432, Vol 2, "Tafrihul Azkia Fil Ahwal Ul Anbia”.
[115] Pages 418-423, Vol 2, Tafrihul Azkia Fil Ahwal Ul Anbia.
[116] Pages 10-17 "Asrar-e-Tasawwuf," published in Lahore, May 1925 Edition and Parv 111, Khand 3, Adhya 3, Shalok 5-8 of "Bavishya Puran" by the Hindu Maharishi Vyasa, printed by Venkateswar Press, Bombay.
[117] Holy Bible-Genesis 6 : 1,5,7, & 8.
[118] Pages 16-19, "According to the Evidence" by Eric Von Daniken, published by Corgi Books, London, 1978 and "The Worlds in Collision "by Immanuel Velikowsky, 1950.
[119] Page 29, Reader's Digest January 1978-the Article Noah, the Flood, the Facts.
[120] Holy Bible—Genesis Chapters 7 & 8.
[121] Page 96, "Volcanoes as Landscape Forms" by Charles A. Cotton, published by Whitcombe & Tombs Ltd., Christchurch-2nd Edition.
[122] Page 170, "The Lost Americans" by Dr. Frank C. Hibben, the well known Professor of Archaeology of University of New Mexico, published by Apollo, New York, 1961.
[123] Page 150, Vol. 1, "Geographical Distribution of Animals" by Prof. Alfred Russel Wallace, published by Hafner, New York, 1962.
[124] The Article “Bristlecone Pine, Oldest Living Things" by Edmund Schulman, published on page 355, The National Geographic Magazine Vol. 113, No. 3, March 1958.
[125] The Article "Longevity under Adversity in Conifers" by Edmund Schulman, page 399 of Vol. 119 of Science, published 26th March 1934.
[126] The Article "The Changing Level of the Sea" by Rhodes W. Fairbridge, appearing on page 70, Vol. 202, No. 5 of May 1960 issue of Scientific American.
[127] Holy Bible—Genesis 9 : 9 - 17.

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