The first person to discover that every part of the expanding universe is still receding further and further away from every other part was Edwin Hubble in 1920. This led to serious research over the past 63 years.
The National Geographic of June 1983 [59] has given the findings on this research in details which shows how our Universe has come into existence. This has been further displayed by two charts viz :
a) "The Big Bang"
b) "Sky Survey"
It is not possible to include this article here. However a few important findings are sufficient to explain the same.
On page 710:
1) Our observable universe began at a finite time in the past in a hot explosion —the "Big Bang".
2) Physicists believe that before that time, about 15 billions years ago the four basic forces of nature — gravity, electromagnetism, the strong atomic force and the weak atomic force were unified.
3) These forces separated at the time of the Big Bang which itself took Planck time i.e., a tenth of a thousandth of a millionth of a billionth of a trillionth of a trillionth of a second.
Page 740 informs :
4) There is no method available by which one can find out what were the conditions of things before the Big Bang.
5) Physics starts here at the "Big Bang".
6) The size of the lump of high density or the "medium" from which this universe has come was only 10 to the power of minus 28 of a cubic centimetre i.e.: 0.0000000000000000000000000001 of a cubic centimetre. This was the size of the medium from which the entire universe has come about.
7) It was inconceivably hot, but started cooling after the Big Bang.
8) As soon as this single tiny piece burst it hurtled millions of fragments in all different directions each moving further and further away from one another. This process of moving away is still continuing after about 15 billions of years.
9) These fragments then burst into millions of still smaller parts. Each of these fragment upon bursting has become the millions of galaxies of stars.
10) The result is the boundless universe we see around us.
One is struck naturally with the awe-inspiring wonders as to what or who this "medium" must have been ? How is it that out of such a very tiny piece which is so small that it cannot be seen even under a microscope is the source from which has come about the millions of galaxies and each galaxy with its millions of stars and each star with its numerous planets, satellites, meteorites, comets and each of them filled with various wonders such as the rings around Saturn or the multicoloured nature on this earth of ours with all its beauties !
Some very important questions arise here :
1) We all know that in the vast abounding space which fills the universe there is emptiness. It is dark and extremely cold. It is 10 to 20 degrees below absolute zero. So frozen that it would be much beyond what we can even think of or calculate.
2) At that point of time before the "Big Bang" there was only a huge void space. There was not even a single star to give out some heat.
3) In these natural circumstances of extreme cold how was it possible that the medium become so very very hot all by itself that it burst with a "Big Bang" ?
4) Who or what caused it to become so very very hot ?
5) Who or what caused it to burst as a flaming liquid ?
6) How is it at all possible for some very very tiny thing to produce such a huge matter which comprises the universe with its millions of galaxies, each galaxy with millions of stars and each star with so many satellites, planets, meteorites, comets etc. How could such a small thing produce such a huge universe ?
7) How did it bring into existence the universe in just such a small fraction of a second.
Science cannot answer any of these questions. It is beyond their scope. But does not mankind deserve to know ?
All along we have seen that where science fails there religion provides the answers.
"Alif Lam Mim (the Arabic letters represents A.L.M.)
"Allah ! There is none worthy of divine worship except Him, the Alive, the Eternal i.e. from eternity to infinity" [60].
"He (Allah) is the First (i.e. from infinity) and the Last (i.e. till eternity), and the Disclosed (through the entire creation around us) and the Hidden (because we cannot see Him with our earthly eyes): and He is the Knower of all things" [61].
"Say : He is Allah — the "Ahad" i. e. the One, the Individual, the Alone.
"Allah, the besought by all :
"He begetteth not ( any sons or daughters ) nor was He begotten ( by any parents ).
"And there is none comparable to Him" [62].
All religions agree that in the beginning there was only a One, "The Alone". He has been from "Eternity" and will remain till "Infinity". He is the "First" and the "Last". He is the "All Complete".
He is not dependent upon anybody for anything, but all are dependent upon Him for each and everything. He has no equals e. g. : brother, sister, husband, wife, son or daughter. Nor was He given birth by any mother nor has He given birth to any children. He is the only One Who has not been created yet He is the Creator of all.
After a very long time "The Solitary" got the desire that His wondrous qualities be known to others. That He be praised and honoured.
There was nothing in existence besides Himself from which to create. Allah informs that He is "Nur-un-ala Nur" [63] i. e. The Infinite Light upon Light. So He decided to create something out
of His "Nur'' or the All pervading light. He issued his Command – which comprised of the word "Be" and in the fraction of a second a "Nur" or the "Being of Light" was created out of His Nur. This "Being of Light" thus become the "Word of Allah" [64], or "Amr Allah" because it was created by the "Word" or Command of Allah. This was the first thing that was ever created [65].
The creation of this "Nur'' or "Being of Light" was just as if you took up a bucket of water from the vast self-replenishing oceans, and there is no diminishing whatsover in the quantity of water in the Oceans because evaporation takes place on one hand, so also the condensation and rains on the other hand bring the water in the form of continuously flowing rivers back into the Oceans. Or let us take the example with one candle you light another and the former does not lose any of its light, whilst any number of candles can be lighted by the first candle. So also the creation of the "word" out of His Nur-un-ala-Nur or Infinite Light upon Light did not make the least difference or shortage in any way in Allah, who continued to remain His Infinite Self.
His Holiness Hazrat Khwaja Syedena Moinuddin Hasan Chishty of Ajmer (Peace of Allah be on him) has described the creation of this Nur as follows :
"Just as the Sun does not get reduced because of its rays of light flow out of it to give light so also the Nur coming out of Allah did not make any difference whatsoever in Allah yet these rays of light lit up all the surrounding areas, the universe.
"Further inspite of the vast difference between the Sun and its rays of light, the two not being the same, yet the Sun and its rays cannot be separated, so also the Nur of Mohammad even though it cannot be compared with God yet it is not separatable from ALLAH" [66].
It is ever so easy for the Almighty to create whatsoever He wishes. He has only to order :
"Be : and {in a very small fraction of a second) it is" [67].
Now let us consider intelligently, what would happen if one were to pour the water lifted in a bucket on the sandy seashore? You will surely see that the water from the bucket will form a round little pool and then it will send out a rivulet and try to flow back into the Ocean mass from which it has been separated as if to express :
"Oh ! Why have you separated me from the Original mass".
The forming of a round shape with a tail is the letter "Mim" in Arabic the equivalent to "M" in English Alphabets.
This also was the case figuratively with this "Nur". When created it was like a round shining jewel. As the Almighty saw this nice creation of His, this "Nur" gave forth out of joy a river of shining light from its top in an attempt to reconnect and flow back into the Original mass from which it had been created. It thus made a shape of one having fallen prostrate before his Creator [68].
In this manner the "Nur" or 'Being of Light" bowed before his Creator and honoured Him by repeating 5 times : "AL HAMD DO LILLAH" i.e. All praise be to Allah. This is the first declaration of the existence of God and His Praise.
Allah out of joy exclaimed : "That is why I have created you” [69] and with ecstasy He took up the "Nur" into Himself right into His very heart through the millions of layers of Light that He is.
Thus Allah gave a display of all His wonders and all His beauties to this "Nur", the "Being of Light".
As the "Nur" saw all these wonders he in his ardent love for his Creator as he was being drawn into the Core or Centre of Allah exclaimed in states of joys numerous different expressions of adorations and praises of his Lord including the 101 names or attributes of God to be found in the Quran. Both being lost for an infinite period in the love of the other [69].
As read earlier God had told Adam upon his creation thai this period was 60,000 (astronomical) years [70].
An expert has calculated that Allah enjoyed this adoration by the "Nur" for 3,202,009,900,000 years [71]. After this long period Allah was satistied with this love or adoration of Himself by the “Nur".
Out of love Allah called this Holy Spirit His "Mahboob" i. e. "beloved". He thought that the most befitting manner of honouring His beloved would be by creating the universe to honour this "Nur" or the "Word of Allah" [72].
This affection of Allah for His "Mahboob" or beloved finds repeated expression in the Code Letters to be found at the commencement of 29 "Surahs" ( Chapters ) of the Holy Quran. For example let us take the most common of them viz : the letters “Alif", "Lam", "Mim". They may be interpreted :
"Alif" is the first letter of “Ahad". It means God, the One and Alone.
"Lam" stands for the word "La" which means "there is nothing else".
"Mim" for the design created by the bowing of the "Nur" before His Lord. Thus this "Mim" or "M" when added to the centre of "Ahad" or "God the One and Alone" gives the name "Ah-M-ad" the original name of the Holy Prophet.
In the Hindu Scriptures God the Alone is called "OM". It is spelt with "Aa" and “Ma" or "A" and "M". In other words it is the same as Alif and Mim ( the Lam standing for nothing else being omitted ). And represents "Ahad" and "Ah-M-ad” or Allah and Mohammad.
The name "Ahmad" represents "The one who praises". From it has come the word "Hamd" which means "Praise". When Allah called him His Mahboob or beloved, he became "The praised one" or the letter "Mim" or "M" being added before "Hamd" or praise to make it into "Mohammad" or the "Praised One". That is how this "Nur" got the name ''Nur-e-Mohammadi" or the "Light of Mohammad" besides being Amar Allah, the Word of Allah or the “Logos" the name appearing in the Greek Bible.
One day Jabir bin Abdullah Ansari a close companion asked : Oh ! Holy Prophet Mohammad, Peace of Allah be upon you, what was the first thing created by Allah ?
The Holy Prophet replied :
The first thing Allah created from His "Nur" was the "Nur" of your Prophet. Hence "Mohammad-ur-Rasul-Allah" was the first creation. And the first declaration made by this "Nur" was "LA ILAHA ILLALLAH" which means that this creation gave evidence : "There is no God but Allah" or "There is one God".
Allah on being praised in this manner took this Nur into Himself for a very long time and showed him many aspects of His grandeur whilst the Nur kept on honouring his Creator. At that time there was nothing else.
Therefore the declaration of LA ILAHA ILLALLAH MOHAMMADUR RASUL-ALLAH or There is one God and Mohammad is the Messenger of Allah has been in existence from the time of the creation of the Nur of Mohammad.
When Allah decided to honour His beloved He decided to create everything out of your Prophet's Nur, replied the Prophet. So that all things might honour His beloved Mohammad. Everything created will be blessed also through Mohammad. As such Allah started the creation from Nur-e-Mohammadi or the Being of Light as follows [73] :
(the first thing created by Allah out of His Nur}
A small portion is taken out and divided into two parts :
First part divided into 4 parts :
(Part-1) Soul of Ali
(Part—2) Soul of Fathema
(Part—3) Soul of Hasan
(Part—4) Soul of Hussain
Second part is also divided into 4 parts :
(Part—5) Soul of Abu Bakr
(Part—6) Soul of Omar
(Part-7) Soul of Osman
This fourth part is again divided into four parts :
(Part-8) Pen
(Part-9) Lauha-e-Mahfooz The sacred tablet or slate on which is written all the Orders of the Almighty
(Part-10) The Arsh or the Highest Heaven
The fourth part is again divided into four more parts as follows :
(Part-11) The soul for the creation of the four big Angels supporting the Arsh viz : Gabriel, Izraiel, Mikaiel and Israfiel
(Part 12) The Throne of Allah
(Part-13) The soul for the Creation of the other Angels
The remaining part is again divided into another four parts as under :
(Part-14) Wisdom also described as the Nur of the eyes. From this part Wisdom and Science has Spread in the Universe.
(Part-15) Soul also described as the Nur of the Heart. From this part has come the Immortal Soul of all created things.
(Part-16) Kalma also described as the Nur of the tongue. From this part has come about the preachings of the Prophets and power of Communication.
(Part-17) This is the last or seventeenth part. It is very very smalI. This is the medium through
which the entire material Universe was created by Allah by ordering “Be" and in a fraction of a second the entire Universe came into existence just as described by Science in a "Big Bang".
The recent discovery by Scientists that the entire universe .was joined together in a single high density lump of the size of a "Nutrino" from which the entire universe has been created in a "Big Bang" has been told in the Holy Quran 1400 vears ago :
"Do not the unbelievers know that the Heavens and the earth (i.e. the entire universe) were joined as one small piece, then WE (Allah) burst them asunder (in a Big Bang) and We made everything out of this ( super boiling ) liquid ? Will they not then believe ?" (Holy Quran : Surah 21- Al Ambiya : Ayat 30).
"The Originator of the heavens and the earth (i.e. the Creator of the Universe) : When He (Allah) decreeth a thing, He says unto it only : Be and (in less than a millionth of a second) it is" [74].
So religious knowledge has clarified :
1. The small piece from which the Universe was created, in a very small part of a second upon being ordered by God to become the Universe from its solid frozen condition it became in within the fraction of the same second so very hot a liquid that it burst in a "Big Bang" as shown by science 1400 years after it was announced in the Quran.
2. This fantastically small piece from which the Universe has come about was the 17th part of Nur-e-Mohammadi.
3. If such a small piece of Nur-e-Mohammadi has such fantastic qualities as to create the entire Universe then what would be the properties in Nur-e-Mohammadi or the Being of Light ? Can this ever be fathomed by any one ?
The Quran informs :
"He (Allah) has no partner. This I am commanded to say that I am the first (in the entire creation) of those, who have surrendered themselves in "ISLAM" (i.e. to the Will of Allah)" [75].
People asked Mohammad to explain the phrase "I am the first" in this passage, as Adam and about 124,000 Prophets up to Jesus were born on earth before him, and all these Prophets were "Muslims" i.e. surrendered to the Will of Allah, so how could the Quran declare that Mohammad is the first of those who have surrendered ?
The Holy Prophet's reply was recorded by many. A few aspects are quoted here :
Ali ibne Abu Taleb has reported that the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) had answered : Allah was alone for an infinite period. Thereafter He wanted to make Himself known. So Allah created a Nur out of His Nur. This Nur of the Being of Light immediately upon creation bowed before his Creator and said "Al Hamd Do Lillah" i.e. "All praise be to Allah" and said five times "Subhana Rabial Aala" i.e. “Glory be to the Creator - Sustainer Lord, the Highest". So pleased was Allah that He took this Nur into Himself and showed him all the Glories of Allah for a very long period. Then Allah decided to honour this Nur-e-Mohammadi by creating everything out of this Nur. As soon as Souls of the Angles and of spirits and of mankind were made they were required to pay their respects to Nur e-Mohammadi as "Khatimun Nabi-in" i.e. The Final Promised Prophet, who was created as the first thing by Allah out of Himself and through whom the entire universe has been created and who would come as the last, final and the promised Prophet. Those souls who paid their respects reached very high status and became Angels, Prophets and Saints [72].
Allama Ibne Jouzi has recorded in his book of Hadis named Moulad Sharif the following Hadis :—
"When Allah decided to create, He first of all took out a "Nur" from His Nur and said : "Oh Nur become Mohammad". The Nur prostrated itself before Allah and said "Al Hamd Do Lillah". In reply Allah said : "This is the reason why I have created you and have kept your name Mohammad and through you I will start the creation of everything and upon you I shall end the Prophet-hood by making you the final Prophet [69].
A Hadis has been reported by Ariaz bin Saria that the Holy Prophet said in his presence :
"It had been written in heaven that I am Khatimun Nabiin. This was at the time when Adam was still in the state of mud and clay" [76].
From these statements it will appear that Mohammad is :-
1. The "First" of all Creation.
2 As the entire creation is out of him so Nur-e Mohammadi or the Being of Light is the "Alpha" or the basis of the Universe.
3. His teachings will last till long after the earth and the Universe has been destroyed. As long as his teachings last, he is still there, so he is and will remain till the last of all creations.
4. Since the entire creation has been made out of a very small fraction of him, so he is the essence or the "Omega" of all creation.
The Holy Bible informs :
"And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write : for these words are "true and faithful" (This is the title of "AL AMIN'" which was bestowed upon Mohammad by the disbelievers of Macca when Mohammad was about 25 years old).
“And he said unto me, it is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life (this is the spring in heaven named "Ab-e-Hayat" or the "Spring of life" which has been blessed only upon Mohammad with absolute authority to give to drink to whomsoever he pleases) freely" [77].
References to Chapter 7 :
[59] Pages 704 to 749, Vol 163 No. 6, June 1983 issue of National Geographic with 2 supplements — The Big Bang & Map of Universe published by National Geographic Society, Washington D. C.
[60] Holy Quran Surah 3 — Al Imram : Ayats 1 & 2.
[61] Holy Quran Surah 57 — Al Hadid : Ayat 3.
[62] Holy Quran Surah 112 —Ekhlas: Ayats 1-4.
[63] Holy Quran Surah 24 — Nur: Ayat 25.
[64] Holy Bible — New Testment St. John 1 : 1-5.
[65] Page 26, "Asrar-e-Tasawwuf" Oct. 1925, Edition, quoting the Hadis reported by Zarkani from "Shar-as-sunnah" and page 9, part 1, "Muwahib Ladunia," published in Egypt, and page 38 also pages 52-53 of "Muraqua-e-Rasool" quoting the Hadis reported by Jabit - bin-Abdu!lah Ansari one of the close companions of the Holy Prophet Mohammad ( peace of Allah be on him ).
[66] Page 26, "Diwan of His Holiness Hazrat Khwaja Syedena Moinuddin Hasan Chisty of Ajmere", the Patron Saint of the Indian Subcontinent.
[67] Holy Quran Surah 2 — Al Bakr: Ayat 117 : Surah 3 — Al Imran Ayat 59 ; Surah 19 - Mary : Ayat 35 ; Surah 36 — Ya Sin : Ayats 81-83; Surah 54 — Al Qamar: Ayat 50.
[68] Pages 17, 20 & 39, Vol.1, "Ajaibul Kassas" (see Ref :47 for full details ).
[69] Page 39, "Muraqua-e-Rasool".
[70] Page 89, "Gospel of Barnabas".
[71] Page 46, Vol. 1 "Tafrihul Azkia Fit Ahwalul Anbia".
[72] Page 17, Vol. 1 "Tafrihul Azkia Fil Ahwalul Anbia”.
[73] This statement of Holy Prophet Mohammad reported by Jabir bin Abdulla Ansari is quoted from pages 52 & 53, "Muraqua-e-Rasool".
[74] Holy Quran Surah 2 — Al Bakr: Ayat 117.
[75] Holy Quran Surah 6 — Al Anam : Ayat 164.
[76] Page 16 Vol. 1 "Tafrihul Azkia Fil Ahwalul Anbia".
[77] New Testament — Revelations 21 : 5 & 6.
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