Monday, October 24, 2005

Chapter 4 : Did Man Evolve From Prehistoric Animals ?


Charles Robert Darwin (1809-82) once again revived the old theory of "Evolution" of King Nimrod in his thesis published in 1859 under the title of “The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection”. He could not prove his theory because he came up again and again against what he termed "The missing links".

Darwin has stated on page 1 of "The Origin of Species" [21] :

"As by this theory innumerable transitional forms must have existed, why do we not find them embedded in countless numbers in the crust of the earth ? I will here only state that I BELIEVE the answer mainly lies in the record being incomparably less perfect than is generally supposed".

As a result a lot of research was done by eminent teams af resear­chers since 1859 to find out these “missing links" which would prove beyond doubt that life from single unit cell must progressively have grown with the passage of time more complex into very different things from their origin as millions of years elapsed and that nothing in creation retained its original form for any length of time.

Yet very surprisingly many LIVING types of animals and plants are essentially the same as their fossil representatives. Some even believed to be over a billion years old ? These living fossils have proved again and again beyond any scope for denial that there is no such thing as EVOLUTION. Otherwise they would have completely changed in the course of time from their fossil representatives into something quite diferent as claimed by the theorists of evolution that man has come about from a single cell unit.


Late in 1938 Miss M. Courtenay-Latimer, a curator of the Museum at East London, a port on the Southeast coast of South Africa, was surprised to find a strange - looking fish amongst the catch of a fisherman. She sent the details of this fish to the renowned ichthyologist, Professor J L B Smith of the Rhodes University College at Grahamstown (South Africa). He was stupe­fied and exclaimed :

"My surprise would have been little greater if I had seen a dinosaur walking down the street".

It is the ancient Coelecanth which lived over 50 million years ago and was supposed to have been extinct for about 70 million years.

Jacques Millot, the Director of Madagascar's Institutes of Scientific Research has acknowledged :

"Throughout the hundreds of millions of years the Coelecanth have kept the same form and structure. Here is one of the great mysteries of evolution .. " [22].

Another amazing discovery was made in the 1963, which came as a jolt to the Scientific world. A deep-sea mollusk (Neopilina Galatheae) was recovered off the coast of Central America at a depth of about two miles. These mollusks were assumed to have become extinct about 350 million years ago. But now scientists have realised the Neopilina Galatheae are not only still with us but also have remained unchanged in a period of over 350 millions of years [23].

In 1910 on the slope of Mount Wapta in British Columbia, Charles B. Walcott made a startling discovery from "Middle Cambrian" rocks, considered 500 million years old. He found 70 genera and 130 species of perfectly preserved remains of such creatures as sponges, jellyfish, and a remarkable array of annelid worms in which even the bristles, scales, and intestinal tract are highly preserved. All are exactly like their modern counterparts.

One is tempted to ask why these creatures of the sea have not evolved into some higher from of Life. The figure of one half billion years is indeed too long a period of time for them have remained unchanged if there is any such a thing as Evolution.

After dealing with creatures from the sea, let us refer to the article "Insects in Amber", which appeared in the November 1951 issue of "Scientific American". Here one gets the following information :

On page 57 :

"Cockroaches still exist in very much the same form as they did 250 million years ago".

Cockroaches are believed by some scientists to have been existence for at least 350 million years without any transformation whatsoever. Some may even put that figure at a billion years.

On page 58 :

"The common black ant has been in existence for over 70 million years without any change”.

On pages 60-61 :

“By and large the insect population of today remains remarkably similar to that of the earlier age. All the major orders of insects now living were represented in the ancient Olinocene forest. Some of the specific types have persisted throughout the 70 million years since then with little or no changes".

"On page 6 of the May 1961 issue of “Science Digest" is an article under the title of "The Dragonfly : Fossil On Wings" in which we are informed that fossils of the dragonfly exactly resembling the modern-day dragonfly have been found in Jurassic period assumed to be atleast 170 million years old.

Now let us turn our attention to reptiles. On the offshore islands near New Zealand have been discovered the Tuatara or Sphenodon.

Scientists confess : "The skeleton of a reptile found in the Jurassic deposits of Europe is so nearly identical with that of the living Tuatara that very little change in the bone structure must have taken place during a period of 150.000.000 years” [24].

Living creatures are not the only forms which destroy the very basis of evolution. Let us now consider only one of the plants out of the many that can be referred to.

The Paleobotanist Professor Theodore Delevoryas of Yale University has written about the life-span of the modern “Cycad" tree without any change or evolution on Page 134 of "Morphology and Evolution of Fossil Plants" as follows :

"The true cyeads, of the order Cycadales, are in existence since early Triassic times ( i. e. over 200 millions of years ) or perhaps even earlier without any change".

Thousands of other examples can be cited of specimens having been in existence for hundreds of millions of years, in many cases surviving for billions of years without any change or evolution

Now let us analyse and try to discover if modern man has come about through a process of evolution out of monkeys or from pre-historic men.

Primitive monkeys and gibbons appeared in Burma over 50 million years ago. The tail-less primitive apes appeared more than 25 million years ago. Whilst the earliest Ape-like men known as Olduval in East Africa and Australopithecinse in South Africa appeared more than 500,000 years back—perhaps even a million years ago.

Traces of the Neanderthal man, a prehistoric cave dweller during the last glaciation are to be found in various places dating back to about 100,000 years. They are believed to have been in existence for at least 400,000 to 500,000 years. They had receding foreheads and a stocky physique. They were widespread in Europe, Asia and Afnca. They were the nearest to modern men. According to scientitic research these prehistoric men, if we should call them men, had a basic mental capacity similar to that of the modern man according to available scientific data. But they have disappeared mysteriously from the face of the earth sometime about 15,000 years ago : i.e.a few thousand years before the advent of Adam.

Anthropologist Hibben explained it this way :

"It would seem that the Neanderthaloids become more distinctively Neanderthaloid as they progressed rather than less so. In fact a number of Neanderthal skeletons said to be younger, seemed to be more primitive looking than the earlier ones” [25].

"Neanderthal man ... abruptly disappeared," says anthropologist Howell, "the evolutionary tendencies that he exhibited during this period are extremely puzzling. For he seems to have gotten more 'primitive', not less so......He was noticeably different from modern man and became more so as time went on.”

“In addition to stopping abruptly, the classic Neanderthaler is replaced with equal abruptness by people like ourselves. There is NO BLENDING, no gradual shading from one type to the other" [26].

No wonder the scientists have eliminated Neanderthal Man as a direct link from the supposed chain leading to modern man.


Anthropologist Howells, a past president of the American Anthropological Association, discussed this very problem :

"We now enter the whole question of the origins of Homo Sapiens ( i.e. modem man ).

"It is the worst problem in our evolution. Of course we have gaps to face, but here it is NOT a question of lack of fossils…….Yet the problem obstinately remains unsolved.

"Who are we—us, ourselves—and what have we to do with Neanderthal ? What are the connections of the two kind of man ?" [27].

This brings us to the second category of discoveries—the discoveries of bones which look exactly like those of modern men. Such fossils are labelled Cro-Magnon Man — a generic term for the first clearly recognized example of what anthropologists call full-fledged "Homo Sapiens" — humans like you and me.

In any case, the first Cro-Magnon Men to be recognized were found in the spring of 1868 A. D. This was just nine years after the publication of Darwin's "The Origin of Species".

Soil was being removed to make way for a railroad at Perigord, France that was to run through Les Eyzie-de-Tayac. Five skeletons and some bits of foetal and infant bones were discovered from a rock shelter which became exposed.

These bones revealed a man fully "modern" in the European Sense—tall, handsome, having regular features, high forehead, prominent chin, small teeth, thin skull, without the heavy brow ridges so characteristic ot the Classic Neanderthal Man.

Since then numerous remains of the Cro-Magnons, or us, the modern men have been found throughout Europe froin Southern England to Russia. France, especially, is rich in its remains.

What is the status of the Cro-Magnon Man's evolutionary history ? Is he linked to older, more primitive “man” or "near-men” ?

Can we really find a connection for the Cro-Magnon Man with some more primitive being ?

The answer, admit prehistorians, is "No" !

Here is what experts say about the Cro-Magnon Man :

"Just as we might actually be finding some of the connections to which the threads of evidence seem to be leading, we are frustrated. The evidence itself disappears . We have only Neanderthals.

"Beyond and before this Neanderthal occupation we drop off to still poorer levels of information. The human remains are few and piecemeal, and therefore quite incompetent to answer most of the problems they raise.

“And the main one is still the birth of Homo Sapiens" [28].

These scientific researches clearly show that there is no established link between "Prehistoric Man" and us "Human Beings". "Prehistoric Man" and “Modern Man" are two entirely distinct creatures who have no connection whatsoever between them. They have definitely not evolved from one to the other according to scientific findings. Similarly also according to science, man has not evolved out of any one of species of monkeys and/or apes as was supposed erroneously before these researches were carried out.

Numerous examples can be quoted of individual species disappearing. The vacuum thus created was in many instances filled by something totally different. The most vivid example of mass termination of the past dwellers of this earth and their surroundings took place about seventy million years ago. Strange creatures were roaming this earth then. Dinosaurs dominated the land. Pterasaurs (flying reptiles) flitted through the skies. The oceans were alive with giant marine reptiles called ichthyosaurs and mosasaurs. Plant life in this “Age of Reptiles" would seem strange to us. Cycads, ferns and fern-like plants dominated the landscape. The flowering plants, the fruit trees and the vegetations of today were simply not in existence.

The landscape of the earth was so totatly different that "we might", as one paleontologist put it, "well imagine ourselves upon another planet”. None of the mammals with which we are ordinarily familiar then existed. There were no dogs, no horses, no cattle, no cats. The array of feathered fowls, the varieties of grains, fruits and vegetables and fish with true scales were absent. No man walked upon the earth to view this strange creation. Only a few of the common insects with which we are familiar, such as butterflies and bees, are known to have existed.

Then suddenly some strange and terrible disaster wrought havoc on this earth, as a result of which the entire world of that time perished with an alarming abruptness. The flying reptiles were totally exterminated. The great dinosaurs vanished completely from the surface of the earth. The great reptiles of the sea became a thing of the past according to the findings of Scientists.

"There can be no doubt about it. All the dinosaurs, along with various other.......... reptiles, became extinct.

"......Not One of Them Survived, as is amply proved by the fact that during almost a century and a half of palentological exploration, the wide world over, no trace of a dinosaur bones or teeth has even been found in any post-Cretaceous rocks, not even in the earliest of them.

"The proof of the geologic record on this score is Irrefutable" [29].

The famous geologist Carl O. Dunbar, in his well-known text­book ''Historical Geology", is simply awed by the sudden extinction of the Reptilean Age and the equally sudden appearance of Mammals and the modern plants of today—plants upon which mammals and man alike depend for their survival.

Musing about this problem, he has quoted George Gaylord Simpson, one of the most respected men in Paleontology :

"It is as if the curtain were rung down suddenly on a stage where all the leading roles were taken by reptiles, especially dinosaurs, in great numbers and bewildering varieties and rose again immediately to reveal the same setting but in an entirely new cast in which the dinosaurs do not appear at all, other reptiles are mere supernumeralies (unimportant bit-part actors) and the leading parts are all played by Mammals" [30].

Everywhere that scientists look they are faced with this certainty that there is no such thing as "Evolution" ! It has always been a case of sudden disappearance of old species and shortly thereafter an equally sudden appearance of new creations ! Scientists cannot answer how and where they come from ! All religions of answer with one voice—It is the work of God, Who creates what He pleases, then effaces when He wishes !


How it is possible to establish scientifically beyond any scope for doubt that God is the Creator of each and every person, place or thing ? Let us take the thumb impression of any person. In how many people do we expect to find a matching thumb impression ? Do you think there is a chance of finding even one duplicate in a hundred thousand ? The answer is a "No" ! Then what are the chances of finding a single duplicate amongst all the people living on earth, if we were to examine the impressions of the palm of a man with all his fingers and thumb prints ? Again the answer will be a "No". If we were to include the whole body of a person and note each and every little detail, the number of hairs, the number of pores, the various organs etc. besides the various lines and marks on a human body what conclusion do we arrive at ? That it will be impossible to fined a duplicate from the first to the last man on earth !

Let us now turn our attention for a moment towards nature. There also you will be surprised to find that no two leaves of the same plant, no two petals of the same flower, no two peaks of the same mountain range, no two tributaries of the same delta are identical in all respects. Each has its undeniable individual features.

A glance at our Galaxy would also reveal these glaring differences. Each star, planet, satellite, meteor is an individual. Each follows a separate course of its own, rotates at different speeds, directions and angles. Everyone of them are composed of different elements. No two are exactly the same ! Yet in the midst of all this diversity and differences there is no chaos ! Every second the Sun or the Moon is not crashing into the Earth or one galaxy into another or the stars of the same galaxy into one another !

1) There are these great differences between the works of men and the works of Allah. The same minute and searching investigation, which displays the defects and imperfections of the one, brings out the beauties of the other. If the most finely polished needle on which the art of man has been expended be subjected to a microscope, many inequalities, much roughness & clumsiness, will be seen. But if the microscope be brought to bear on the flowers of the field, no such result appears. Instead of their beauty diminishing new beauties and still more delicate, that have escaped the naked eye, are forthwith discovered—beauties that make us appreciate, in a way which otherwise we could have had little conception of the full force of this saying of Jesus :

2) "Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin :

3) "….And yet I say unto you, that even Solomon, in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these" [31].

4) These facts all around us brings out very vividly that Allah always gives personal individual attention to each and everyone of His crea­tions even to the minutest details of the lines to be found in each thumb impression or petal to make them individuals not only on this earth but even in the entire universe ! Thus bringing home with full force the first portion of the "Kalama" !

“La llaaha Illal Laahu" i.e. “There is none worthy of divine worship except Allah" which in this context brings out very clearly that there is no one who is the creator of anything whatsoever—but Allah, The One, The Individual.

5) He, who is able to do all these distinctive acts requiring continuous individual attention to each and every little detail therefore must of necessity be not only an Individual— "A One" but that He also proves He is omnipresent in each and every person, place or thing by making them individuals like Himself !

6) Scientific evidences already read earlier repeatedly shows that this Creator allows a thing to remain in existence for a period of time. Nobody knows how long that will be ! Then suddenly He
effaces all traces of it without any warning or notice and without any escape. Then equally suddenly He replaces it with something very different. Scientists are left dumbfounded, they cannot even venture any explanation as to how it happened ! Just let us look at the sudden effacement of the Reptile Age. Its sudden replacement by mammals and plants of our age. The sudden disappearance of the Prehistoric Animals looking like man — the Neanderthal and after
a period the sudden appearance of us the modern Man. All religions have described Him as the Shaper, the Maker, the Creator out of nothing, the Omnipotent, the Omnipresent, The Doer
of what He Pleases, the Lord of the Universe, Who has no equals, the one and only Who has been alive from Infinity and will remain so for Eternity, the Uncomparable that is Allah. He does not permit anyone whether you call it Evolution or by any other name to usurp His functions of creating what He wills and to give them an end when He wills with no connection whatsoever between the various types of creation, which are in each case an individual creation not
connected to anything else in the entire universe.

The Holy Bible mentions this fact:

"So God created man in His "Own Image" in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them" [32].

God has no shape or form, Hence the phrase "Own Image" can only means the individual oneness with which He has created each and every person, place or thing i. e. "Individual Ones" thus proving very clearly that the Creator of all these many billions of "Ones" must Himself be a "One and only one" and these indisputable facts prove that there never was and can never be any such thing as Evolution in the entire universe be they galaxies or stars or any thing else. In each and every case there is an individual creation by the Only Individual Creator !

References to Chapter 4 :

[21] "The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection" by Charles Robert Darwin, was first published in 1859 A. D. The page numbers is from the 1962 edition published by Collier,
New York.
[22] The article "The Coelecanth" appearing on page 37 in the December 1955 issue of Scientific American.
[23) Page 431 "Essentials of Earth History" by Carl Stokes.
[24] The article "The Tuatara : Why is it a lone survivor ?" by Charles M. Bogert appearing on page 167 in the March 1953 issue of Scientific Monthly.
[25] Page 33, "Prehistoric Man in Europe” by Frank C Hibben published by University of Oklahama Press, 1958.
[26] Page 126, "Early Man" by F. Clark Howell, published by TIME-LIFE Books, New York, 1968.
[27] Page 215, "Mankind in The Making" by William Howells, published by Doubleday, New York, 1967.
[28] Pages 343-344, "Mankind in The Making" by William Howells.
[29] Page 249, "Dinosaurs" by Edwin H. Colbert.
[30] Page 426, "Historical Geology" by Carl O. Dunbar.
[31] New Testament - St. Matthew 6 : 28 & 29.
[32] Hoy Bible - Genesis 1 : 27.

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